good insights as to the way many trucks pass, i.e. signal, start forcing cars off the road, fall behind the guy your passing, catch him in the next kilometre, and finally get past and pull back over.
So, as a driver let me share my insight on your viewpoints.
signal, start forcing cars off the road
Not our goal most of the time, although as with all drivers, there are bad apples. However, this is almost always this scenario:
1/ We put our signal lights on after patiently waiting for an opportunity where the terrain and inertia give us a hope in hell of making the pass successfully. Sometimes we've been waiting patiently behind another truck for countless kilometers.
2/ We put on our signal. Other cars see this and freak out, mash the accelerator and try to block the lane change in an effort to get in front of of us first...then when we commit to the lane change and start coming over it sure
looks like we're "cutting off" a car to most people, doesn't it? NOT the case - if anything the cars often try to cut US off from being able to change lanes to begin with. You'd be dumbfounded how often this happens to us, trust me.
fall behind the guy your passing
Yep, happens sometimes, particularly when we're forced to attempt a pass in hilly terrain when the guy we're trying to pass is lighter and easily starts to overtake again when momentum and gravity take over. Ever pulled 60,000-100,000 LBS and have any idea what it's like? Now, try it when you're electronically governed to a maximum speed and "just stepping on it to get past them" isn't an option because your computer won't let you?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
catch him in the next kilometre
Professionals back out of it when they know they're being passed by someone who's legitimately going faster and just needs to get around them...but of course, with the increasing lack of professionals amongst us you see these "special olympics" type passes more and more often. Sometimes if I'm in that scenario where some other idiot won't let me around them in a reasonable distance
I'll back out of it, be the professional, and tuck back in behind the other truck in an effort to not hose traffic for 10 or 20 kilometers. Others with less professionalism or a "screw you" attitude can and unfortunately do act differently.
and penalize them for not maintaining 110 kph average speed
Newsflash for you. As mentioned above we are all (by law) electronically limited to 105KPH max in the province of Ontario, and many fleets are set lower yet at 100KPH exactly.
That IS the speed limit, ya know.