Muslims threw 12 Christians overboard to their deaths during crossing!

even if there is no religion, there will still be greed. greed if the root of the evils of religion.

Agreed. After I posted that religion is the root of all evil, I realized that religion is just an excuse/rationale to do evil, and that is usually motivated by greed.
Agreed. After I posted that religion is the root of all evil, I realized that religion is just an excuse/rationale to do evil, and that is usually motivated by greed.

It is true that even without religion people will still fight and kill. However religion has been a constant and the most prominant cause of mass killings in history. Christianity alone has killed more people i\ all modern wars combined (Constantine's Sword). While greed will always be a big part of human violence and capitalism is only making it worse, nothing in history has come even close to religion when it comes to the mass murders.
I prefer individual attention, can't decide between thrown overboard or off tower.
We're supposed to be enlightened now.

My kid brought up something interesting. Aliens from outer space are almost always of one culture. He said it's not plausable. While I agree, I argued the counter logic. It's cause for them to be space faring they would have had to "evolved" to the point that their planet is one culture. differences being worked out and being a unified planet to be able to work together to expand into the universe. Not counting Klingons and Romulans.
We're supposed to be enlightened now.

My kid brought up something interesting. Aliens from outer space are almost always of one culture. He said it's not plausable. While I agree, I argued the counter logic. It's cause for them to be space faring they would have had to "evolved" to the point that their planet is one culture. differences being worked out and being a unified planet to be able to work together to expand into the universe. Not counting Klingons and Romulans.
I prefer individual attention, can't decide between thrown overboard or off tower.

You don't get to choose. Either you are gay and get tossed off a tower, or you are Christian and must be tossed off a ship. Those 2 are VERY different. :rolleyes:

Unless you are a gay Christian.. in which case.. they will need a bigger boat..
tossed off

Thank you, my next contribution to the two word thread if you don't mind. Will be keeping close eye for best spot in the rotation.
If only the problem were people on the other side of the planet:

I hate the new anti-terror legislation but there are too many Sunni nutbars plotting and recruiting to do harm here in Canada and elsewhere. :(

Instead of making Anti-Terror legeslations and taking away all our privacy rights, turning Canada into an Orwellian state and using fear mongoring to take away more rights, they should just stop intervening in wars that dont effect us. Conservatives are changing Canada from a mostly enemy free country that had a very peaceful image around the world into an republican ran Ameran Mini Me.
Instead of making Anti-Terror legeslations and taking away all our privacy rights, turning Canada into an Orwellian state and using fear mongoring to take away more rights, they should just stop intervening in wars that dont effect us. Conservatives are changing Canada from a mostly enemy free country that had a very peaceful image around the world into an republican run American Mini Me.

+ 1

Is there an example of when American interference in a foreign conflict turned out well? (Other than the world wars.) it just always seems to make a bad situation worse in the long term.
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+ 1

Is there an example of when American interference in a foreign conflict turned out well? (Other than the world wars.) it just always seems to make a bad situation worse in the long term.

Amen! The problem is, Americans know it but they need the conflict. And sadly, the conservative government has become a shadow government for the republicans and Canada is becoming more like the states every year.
Amen! The problem is, Americans know it but they need the conflict. And sadly, the conservative government has become a shadow government for the republicans and Canada is becoming more like the states every year.

Putin would like nothing more than to stake a huge claim in Canadas Arctic region. He may have other notions as well. We kinda have to play along with US even if holding our nose.
Putin would like nothing more than to stake a huge claim in Canadas Arctic region. He may have other notions as well. We kinda have to play along with US even if holding our nose.

I dont agree. Although you may be right about this, we are getting involved more and more in the war scene around the world which will inevitably bring instability to Canada. As Schnellre said, look at the U.S, a century of war and has it solved anything?

The Putin threat s a very hypothetical one but the threat and instablity that being in volved in war will bring to Canada is very real and already happening. Look at the terrorist attack this year in Quebec and Ontario (Ottawa). Direct results of Canada getting involved in the ISIS war. We can be an ally of the states without going to every war. Remember Iraq? We didnt go and helod our ground and the only thing that happened, was nothing bad.
Inreb makes a good point. But even if Canada didn't go along with the US, they would still step in in case of Russian intrusion into the arctic, because they want those resources for themselves.
Inreb makes a good point. But even if Canada didn't go along with the US, they would still step in in case of Russian intrusion into the arctic, because they want those resources for themselves.

It's all a balancing act and when push comes to shove you still aren't guaranteed anything. I guess our government feels, all things considered, we have to put some skin in the game. I'd rather we stand back and not get involved in foreign conflicts. In fact I wish the US would change their global policy. What a mess.
It's all a balancing act and when push comes to shove you still aren't guaranteed anything. I guess our government feels, all things considered, we have to put some skin in the game. I'd rather we stand back and not get involved in foreign conflicts. In fact I wish the US would change their global policy. What a mess.

I wonder who would come to switzerland's aid should the need arise?

(rhetorical question)
Anybody who's got money in a Swiss bank?
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