Muslims threw 12 Christians overboard to their deaths during crossing!

The problems in the world are caused by fundamental extremist religious groups that use their brand of religion to hate and kill.

these include Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.
I don't know about that absolutely religion really does take time and work to change but it still does. Take a look at the universal Unitarians. I think religion changes more than you think it doesn't although grants it can be a loud and messy process with much gnashing of teeth.

It does change, but it technically cant. As in sure, the pope can come and say Christianity is ok with homosexuality. But in truth, the verses is leviticus(and more) clearly state that homosexuality is not accepted and has to be punished. Thats the word of god (to them) and now theyre bending it so they dont get outdated. Religious apologists constantly try to change religion to fit our times but to understand any of the three Ibrahimic religions, you need to read the books (quran, Torah and Bible) in all of which, none of these modernizations is allowed and a true believer goes to the book. And thats what justifies (for them) any barbaric act because their book allowed it and in fact encouraged it.
Seems like we just found the root of all evil, and it is religion. ;)
It does change, but it technically cant. As in sure, the pope can come and say Christianity is ok with homosexuality. But in truth, the verses is leviticus(and more) clearly state that homosexuality is not accepted and has to be punished. Thats the word of god (to them) and now theyre bending it so they dont get outdated. Religious apologists constantly try to change religion to fit our times but to understand any of the three Ibrahimic religions, you need to read the books (quran, Torah and Bible) in all of which, none of these modernizations is allowed and a true believer goes to the book. And thats what justifies (for them) any barbaric act because their book allowed it and in fact encouraged it.

This is why the Sunni sect of Islam is such a concern. They are all about memorizing the Qu'ran and for them the text is infallible and cannot be questioned. All of the terrorists who are executing Christians and other Muslims presently are all Sunni.

We need to make sure that we are not allowing any Sunni Muslims into the country. They are a terrorist threat and a threat to Canada. Hopefully immigration is vetting their applications properly and are not allowing Sunnni Muslims in.
It does change, but it technically cant.

Yes I get the distinction but I don't want to criticize those that do. Its just an example of secular morality creeping in and being vastly superior to those of bronze age peoples and thanks Jesus thats the case.
Again... This is why Sunni Muslims should never be allowed to immigrate to Canada.

"Boko Haram, whose name translates as "Western education is sin," has been waging a years-long campaign of terror aimed at instituting its extreme version of Sharia law in Nigeria."

Just one small example of one of the countless Sunni groups who are slaughtering Christians and Shia Muslims around the world.
All of the terrorists who are executing Christians and other Muslims presently are all Sunni.

Recently yes however Shia have their groups as well Hezballah for example has done some pretty horrific things. Hazara too back in the 70's and 80's but they are petty much effectively dead and i think there may be a group in India too.
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Yes I get the distinction but I don't want to criticize those that do. Its just an example of secular morality creeping in and being vastly superior to those of bronze age peoples and thanks Jesus thats the case.
Agreed. Which is why i said religions are all gone die slowly because secular and civil rules are slowly (as you said) creeping into religious people's lives and slowly transforming them. This is why there are tens of Muslims that i know that have premarital sex,drink alcohol and eat pork and yet go to prayers. people have become a confused mash up of the culture they live in and the religion they wanna assosiate with. An epidemic of identity crisis which is a good thing when one of your beliefs teaches beating of women and killing the non believer lol
Recently yes however Shia have their groups as well Hezballah for example has done some pretty horrific things. Hazara too back in the 70's and 80's but they are petty much effectively dead and i think there may be a group in India too.

There is a distinction between Sunni and Shia terror groups. The Shia groups tend to be limited to a self defence and limited objective whereas the Sunni groups are in a continuous state of terror without the same clear objectives.

"While Sunni terrorists “tend to operate in a continuous, mid to high intensity manner, seeing war against infidels and apostates as a perennial condition,” Shi’a terror, carried out by groups or agents close to the Iranian government featured “discrete terror campaigns tethered to state and organizational objectives.”

"Shi’a terror, he concludes, is linked to Iranian-state aims, including most of all—which he mentions several times—”regime survival.” This is not the work of alienated loners trying to commit mass murder for essentially incomprehensible religious/mystical/reasons. It can be understood—and dealt with—as easily as one understands and deals with the Provisional IRA"
Recently yes however Shia have their groups as well Hezballah for example has done some pretty horrific things. Hazara too back in the 70's and 80's but they are petty much effectively dead and i think there may be a group in India too.
Actually if you look at Hezbollah, they came to power due to Israeli offensives on Lebonon. The only thing hezbollah does it defensive against constant Israli offensives in the region.
Actually if you look at Hezbollah, they came to power due to Israeli offensives on Lebonon. The only thing hezbollah does it defensive against constant Israli offensives in the region.

While I wont support Israeli's actions the region Hezbollahs rocket attacks target civilians that it not true and has the stated elimination of a state as its goal its hardly helps itself in achieving peace in the region. Again though this is highly regional and has allot of history behind it.
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Actually if you look at Hezbollah, they came to power due to Israeli offensives on Lebonon. The only thing hezbollah does it defensive against constant Israli offensives in the region.

Agreed... It will be interesting to see what happens with Iran normalizing relations with the U.S. and the recent nuclear pact.

The only scary thing is that by working with Iran the Sunnis are going to lose their minds even more:

"A nuclear deal with Iran may spur proxy wars in the Middle East as Sunni Muslims try to counter an increasingly wealthy and powerful Shi'ite Iran"

"It is a sophisticated country, with a vision, more and more powerful in the Middle East, and therefore on the Sunni side there might be a temptation for some to support extremist groups to fight against Iran by proxy," he said."
Agreed... It will be interesting to see what happens with Iran normalizing relations with the U.S. and the recent nuclear pact.

The only scary thing is that by working with Iran the Sunnis are going to lose their minds even more:

"A nuclear deal with Iran may spur proxy wars in the Middle East as Sunni Muslims try to counter an increasingly wealthy and powerful Shi'ite Iran"

"It is a sophisticated country, with a vision, more and more powerful in the Middle East, and therefore on the Sunni side there might be a temptation for some to support extremist groups to fight against Iran by proxy," he said."

True and thats what the U.S actually wants. A better relationship with Iran will give U.S more leverage over the Persian Gulf states and Israel and even Russia. Saudis at first condemned any deal and when they realized it wont go anywhere, over night they changed their voice and said they welcome it.

The issue i have with this deal is that it leaves Israel with hundreds of illegal Nukes and the only nuclear power in the middle east. I think any deal should involve forcing all middle eastern countries to become a signatory to the non_proliferation treaty. The Saudis are onboard but Israel of course wont give up its ver real nuclear arsenal while naggind about the non existing nukes of Iran.
True and thats what the U.S actually wants. A better relationship with Iran will give U.S more leverage over the Persian Gulf states and Israel and even Russia. Saudis at first condemned any deal and when they realized it wont go anywhere, over night they changed their voice and said they welcome it.

The issue i have with this deal is that it leaves Israel with hundreds of illegal Nukes and the only nuclear power in the middle east. I think any deal should involve forcing all middle eastern countries to become a signatory to the non_proliferation treaty. The Saudis are onboard but Israel of course wont give up its ver real nuclear arsenal while naggind about the non existing nukes of Iran.

It is high time that a two state solution gets worked out between the Israelis and the Palestinians. I am the first one to nail Sunni Muslims for their barbaric acts but I will also call out the Israeli state for their crimes against humanity for their treatment of the Palestinians in the occupied territories.
It is high time that a two state solution gets worked out between the Israelis and the Palestinians. I am the first one to nail Sunni Muslims for their barbaric acts but I will also call out the Israeli state for their crimes against humanity for their treatment of the Palestinians in the occupied territories.
Amen to that! Israel is a whole other story. Its an open ethnic cleansing case in an apartheid state. They are so deep in war crimes and lanfd theft, i wouldnt even know where to start!
I'm on the same page.
Amen to that! Israel is a whole other story. Its an open ethnic cleansing case in an apartheid state. They are so deep in war crimes and lanfd theft, i wouldnt even know where to start!

I don't follow these matters to closely but I find Jewish people arguing an untenable position mildly annoying to say the least.
I don't follow these matters to closely but I find Jewish people arguing an untenable position mildly annoying to say the least.

This is a very long conversation but ill try to shave off opinions and give the most simple facts.
Israel has been stealing Palestinian land since 1967 after the 6 day war. This is recognizedd as illegal by the UN and generally international communisty. This is why even the US, their closes ally calls this portion of land Occupied terretory which is now a part of Israel illegally. This is besides tens of thousands of civillians killed by Israel in the past 6-7 decades. Israel also has a undeclared nuclear stockpile which is illegal. it also committed war crimes in Lebonon and Syria (Golan Heights). Any land that Israel occupied pre 1967 is legal and legally recognized as Israel. Anything beyond tha which is half of Israel now is illegal
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