Muslims threw 12 Christians overboard to their deaths during crossing!

Might give some insight into why many people feel a certain way about a faith and some of its followers. Im an atheist who dislikes all religions equally but i've lived in an Islamic country and what those religious people are telling that girl in this video is very real. Even in a country where they are not the mejority. Dont even talk about a country where they are the majority and where they do hold power. You will be severly punished for not beliving in their god!! Ive lived it so i know and no amount of politicall correctnedd will change the reality of religions. They are violent towards those who disagree and there is no freedom of thought/expression or speech when they hold power. But when others hold power, they expect and demand the same rigts they would never give to an atheist if they held power.

for zoodles95.. Something to think about.

What does a fictitious scenario with an actor who may or may not be a Muslim have to do with anything?

I'm sure those Christians who were executed by Muslims on that boat would have been happy to help them but were executed instead. Not all Muslims may be bad but there sure are a lot of nutbar Sunni terrorists and extremists.

Your religion needs a "re-boot" and a reformation:

“Islam’s borders are bloody,” wrote the late political scientist Samuel Huntington in 1996, “and so are its innards.” Nearly 20 years later, Huntington looks more right than ever before. According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, at least 70% of all the fatalities in armed conflicts around the world last year were in wars involving Muslims. In 2013, there were nearly 12,000 terrorist attacks world-wide. The lion’s share were in Muslim-majority countries, and many of the others were carried out by Muslims."

Now that is something to think about...
But beheading is fine.

That's just FUBAR.
Interesting that you would discount the actions of regional muslims but focus on people on the other side of the planet.
What does a fictitious scenario with an actor who may or may not be a Muslim have to do with anything?

I'm sure those Christians who were executed by Muslims on that boat would have been happy to help them but were executed instead. Not all Muslims may be bad but there sure are a lot of nutbar Sunni terrorists and extremists.

Your religion needs a "re-boot" and a reformation:

“Islam’s borders are bloody,” wrote the late political scientist Samuel Huntington in 1996, “and so are its innards.” Nearly 20 years later, Huntington looks more right than ever before. According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, at least 70% of all the fatalities in armed conflicts around the world last year were in wars involving Muslims. In 2013, there were nearly 12,000 terrorist attacks world-wide. The lion’s share were in Muslim-majority countries, and many of the others were carried out by Muslims."

Now that is something to think about...

who is being picky on sources now, unless you can prove that guy was an actor, your argument does not stand, why don't you use him as an example of a muslim... drum rolllll because you have a personal bias.... zoodles95.
Interesting that you would discount the actions of regional muslims but focus on people on the other side of the planet.

Islam is universal and shares one book despite its many branches. The book stays universal and so does it's teachings. If you want me to stay more local, i can do that too. There is no shortage of material really. From states to Canada, there is a huge selection to choose from.

Not saying all muslims are the same. Just saying those who follow the book on a strict level are not exactly the most open to other ideas and beliefs type people because the book doesnt allow for such things.
Quran (8:59-60) - "And let not those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allah's Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape. Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy."
who is being picky on sources now, unless you can prove that guy was an actor, your argument does not stand, why don't you use him as an example of a muslim... drum rolllll because you have a personal bias.... zoodles95.

At least I use verifiable sources with facts, figures etc. And... Did you not see the posted video of what is going on in the U.K.? This is not just a middle east problem. I have posted a lot of facts and links to the Sunni FGM problem and Canadian girls are being mutilated here in Canada in secret and are being dragged across the world to be cut as well by Muslims. This is not a problem of the Middle East or Africa. This is a global problem and what is going on in the EU is here already.
Interesting that you would discount the actions of regional muslims but focus on people on the other side of the planet.

Dominic (LeRoyy McCoyy) isn't a muslim (he's the kid in the video) at least not in the sense that you are talking about. His beliefs are a mixture of Christianity, JW and those of the Nation of Islam (very different from traditional sects of Islam) all wrapped up in some new Ageie woo woo stuff.

Either way no one is arguing that there isn't good muslims.
Interesting that you would discount the actions of regional muslims but focus on people on the other side of the planet.

Odd that leaving moderate and peaceful regional muslims unbothered is seen as discounting. Do you routinely worry about stuff that's of little concern? Strange goings on, looks like some people are always spoiling for trouble.
popes on a roll, he spoke last week of the armenian genocide by the muslim turks and now is speaking out on this latest isis killings of christians in libya.

Pope condemns killings of Ethiopian Christians in Libya:

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis condemned the "continuing martyrdom" of Christians on Monday after 30 Ethiopians were shown being shot and beheaded in Libya on a video purportedly made by Islamic State militants.

"With great distress and sadness I learn of the further shocking violence perpetrated against innocent Christians in Libya," Francis said in a message to Patriarch Abuna Matthias of the Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church.

The video, in which militants call Christians "crusaders" who are out to kill Muslims, showed about 15 men being beheaded on a beach and another group of the same size being shot in the head in a patch of scrubland.

"I reach out to you in heartfelt spiritual solidarity to assure you of my closeness in prayer at the continuing martyrdom being so cruelly inflicted on Christians in Africa, the Middle East and some parts of Asia," the pope said in his message released by the Vatican.

"The blood of our Christian brothers and sisters is a testimony which cries out to be heard by everyone who can still distinguish between good and evil. All the more this cry must be heard by those who have the destiny of peoples in their hands," he said.

Last February, Islamic State militants in Libya beheaded 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians.

Earlier this month in Kenya, al Shabaab gunmen massacred nearly 150 people at a university, singling out Christians for point-blank executions. —Reuters

story is HERE
What is happening to Christians presently at the hands of Muslims is horrible. However, Catholicism has more than its share of skeletons in its closet (to say the least). At least Catholicism is into the 1800s now. Islam is only 800 years or so behind that.
What is happening to Christians presently at the hands of Muslims is horrible. However, Catholicism has more than its share of skeletons in its closet (to say the least). At least Catholicism is into the 1800s now. Islam is only 800 years or so behind that.

It is true and i always mention that Christianity has a pretty bloody history. But they came out of the dark ages and Christianity today is moderate (for the most part) and is not causing mass murderes all over the world. However Islam seems to still be stuck in dark ages and is in fact actively killing and torturing all over the world. not only they are killing Christians and people of other beliefs, but they are also killing other Muslisms. Its effing insance!!!
It is true and i always mention that Christianity has a pretty bloody history. But they came out of the dark ages and Christianity today is moderate (for the most part) and is not causing mass murderes all over the world. However Islam seems to still be stuck in dark ages and is in fact actively killing and torturing all over the world. not only they are killing Christians and people of other beliefs, but they are also killing other Muslisms. Its effing insance!!!

There is still christian killing muslim ethnic group's in Africa. As well and homosexuals and people being accused of witch craft
There is still christian killing muslim ethnic group's in Africa. As well and homosexuals and people being accused of witch craft

This is true but compare to the scale and frequency of the killings and wars inspired by Islamis ideology in the world today, the Christian thing bcomes much less of an urngency. Plus Muslims on top of all the tribal wars and and terrorism killings, also kill homosexuals and witches. Take a alook at Saudi Arabia for example.

Point is, relgiions despite their happy peaceful front, cause and encourage villence and teach supremicy of one over another. It just happens that in our time, Islam is the most prominent one doing it. In the past, it sure was Christianity but theyve calmed down and Islam filled the gap.,
This is true but compare to the scale and frequency of the killings and wars inspired by Islamis ideology in the world today, the Christian thing bcomes much less of an urngency. Plus Muslims on top of all the tribal wars and and terrorism killings, also kill homosexuals and witches. Take a alook at Saudi Arabia for example.

Point is, relgiions despite their happy peaceful front, cause and encourage villence and teach supremicy of one over another. It just happens that in our time, Islam is the most prominent one doing it. In the past, it sure was Christianity but theyve calmed down and Islam filled the gap.,

Well christianity was dragged and still is being dragged into the Modern world kicking and screaming. Unfortunately due a mixture of outsider interference and some other issues such as the eruption of krakatowa some of the Islamic east kind of had the opposite happen to it and will was dragged back into bronze age cultural values. Thankfully there are still thouse still pushing reform in the Islamic world.
Religion needs to evolve to stay relevant. Societies and knowledge progress, but religion is still stuck in the dark ages.

Belief in fairy tales just doesn't cut it anymore for anyone with at least a half-awake mind.
Both of you guys are correct. The problem is, religion inerinitly leaves no room for evolution (pun intended). Monotheistic religions and their teachings can not be questioned or reformed by the definition of that religion since the rules and the books came from the omnipotent god who can NOT make a mistake and therefor the rule in the book is the golden rule which is not questionable. The evolution of these religions as Schneller mentioned is just a compromising way to keep them relevant however the true believer of those religions (the hardliners) reazlie that religion is not up for debate or discussion. The word of god to them is exactly that, the word of god. Hence the sensless killings that to us normal people seem barbaric to to them is just a deed for their god.

In short, religion can not trul be evolved because the word of god is not something to debate over. Its just a matter of time before they all go away however as mentioned, Islam is a couple of centuries behind in its "evolution" and modernizing compare to Christianity.
In short, religion can not trul be evolved because the word of god is not something to debate over. Its just a matter of time before they all go away however as mentioned, Islam is a couple of centuries behind in its "evolution" and modernizing compare to Christianity.

I don't know about that absolutely religion really does take time and work to change but it still does. Take a look at the universal Unitarians. I think religion changes more than you think it doesn't although grants it can be a loud and messy process with much gnashing of teeth.
Religion needs to evolve to stay relevant. Societies and knowledge progress, but religion is still stuck in the dark ages.

Belief in fairy tales just doesn't cut it anymore for anyone with at least a half-awake mind.

The Shia Muslims have a chance to help Islam evolve. Sadly, the Sunni sect is all about strict reading and interpretations of the Qu'ran and for them it is all about "studying" under a Hasif to memorize the Qu'ran and other texts.

Islam is not the threat. It is Sunni Muslims who are terrorizing Shia Muslims and Christians and pretty much anyone else who does not adhere to their strict interpretation of the Qu'ran and the world.

"On the opposite spectrum you have the Sunni’s that see the words of Koran as absolute and Koranic laws “Sharia Law” without modification and alterations as the only law permissible (fundamentalists). This is why the Sunis see Shias as heretics and not because of what Shias call their religious leaders."

Shia Muslims are into the 1900s at least. Sunni Muslims make the middle ages seem modern.

Any of the Muslim terrorist groups that you think of that are presently slaughtering Christians and fellow Muslims are all Sunni:

Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan
Sipah-e-Sahaba Al-Alami
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Pakistan
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al Alami
JundUllah -
Ansar Al Dine
Boko Haram
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