Muslim Motorcyclists GTA

I'm a little uncomfortable with the exclusionist nature of this thread, particularly as it is based on religion.

I would post this same sentiment regardless of which religious affiliation was specified. But that's all I'll post about it here. Maybe in a different thread.

Are you for real? Read the original post hardly sounds exclusive. Buddy is looking for people with similar interests. How many young rider threads are there? or "still in the game rides"?.... I wasn't invited to a birthday once...I got over it. There's too much political correctness nowadays. You can't even go out for beers with co workers unless you invite everyone. If not it can be labelled harrasment, is this how people want to live?.
All I need to do is read the title of the thread. So yeah, if invitations are based on race or religion, it makes me uneasy, and is fundamentally different than other group types like newbie, hooligan, or small displacement.

Sorry, just had to respond to the "are you for real" part that was directed at me personally.
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Original post wasn't any different from any other "group" ride post...newbie, small displacement, hooligan, still in the game...etc. or whatever. This being GTAM, the thread got taken on a tangent. Not unusual. lol
Its pretty much like having a thread called 'No None Muslims'. Then since its unacceptable to say that, retracting by saying, non Muslims can still come. But we would prefer our own kind only. Its an exclusive Muslim club. So seriously, Muslims only.
I find it very discriminator, divisive and just wrong. Specially in a country like Canada where others have learned to accept everyone else.
But thats just my opinion.
Are you for real? Read the original post hardly sounds exclusive. Buddy is looking for people with similar interests. How many young rider threads are there? or "still in the game rides"?.... I wasn't invited to a birthday once...I got over it. There's too much political correctness nowadays. You can't even go out for beers with co workers unless you invite everyone. If not it can be labelled harrasment, is this how people want to live?.

Agreed. Get over it. Some people have too much time on their hands. Go ride with them or go ride with another group. If people don't want to ride with you... Well maybe it's YOU thats the problem.

And this isn't targeted at any single person. Move along now
Agreed. Get over it. Some people have too much time on their hands. Go ride with them or go ride with another group. If people don't want to ride with you... Well maybe it's YOU thats the problem.

And this isn't targeted at any single person. Move along now

I prefer to ride alone, like 9000miles in 30 days around the US trip that I just got back from. Unless you're a mod, who are you to tell anyone to move along?
I prefer to ride alone, like 9000miles in 30 days around the US trip that I just got back from. Unless you're a mod, who are you to tell anyone to move along?

I am gs500f, hear me roar lol. I don't even know how to answer that lmao.

Now move along MR. Ironbutt champion sir.

Ps try not to take yourself too seriously friend
People who feel excluded from the group need not apply. It's not a debate; its the organizing of a ride. it's also no different from the various Christian rides, ex-pat Brit rides, Maritimer rides, cruiser rides, vintage bike rides, Euro bike rides, and the like that I've seen around. No one seems to make much of a fuss about them so if this thread doesn't apply to you, I suggest that you move along.
All I need to do is read the title of the thread. So yeah, if invitations are based on race or religion, it makes me uneasy, and is fundamentally different than other group types like newbie, hooligan, or small displacement.

Sorry, just had to respond to the "are you for real" part that was directed at me personally.

But I didn't use newbie, hooligan or displacement as my comparison to religion. I used age. Some muslims don't drink, eat pork, or hang with scantily clad women. Why not find people who wont tempt you to do these things?....."Damn them for excluding me and wanting to find people with similar values." thats what Im hearing.
Group Ride at 6am??? damn that is early! Don't you people sleep....

I didn't mean you people as in "you people" but as in people in this thread alike...

I didn't mean that everyone looks alike but you people that are similar...

I am just going to leave...


Nice try, NSA


we do track days too... NSA is Formally invited as long as they pass track cheating.. no crazy fuel maps***... imagine the awesome footage we could get of their go pro's..

When / where are these track days?

ps can i come? :)
time to post another fast street riders thread. it will draw attention away from this thread.
So yeah, if invitations are based on race or religion, it makes me uneasy,.
Can I ask what thoughts go through your mind specifically that you end up feeling uneasy?

I am white and don't believe in religion but when i read your post i wonder what specifically are the things these guys might do when they meet or what is the content that specifically makes you "uneasy"

I am curious!

One of my best friends is from Egypt, love the guy but I would not discuss religion with him and some of his points of view are very strong, they can be very badly taken by a white christian, not because they are hate full but just for how differently and strong they feel, so I can understand why these guys want to meet with their own kind, so they can have these conversations about their ideology free from miss interpretation by someone that does not understand the culture. This thread might make u feel uneasy but the great thing about a free society is that they have the right to not give a **** about what you think since they are not violating your rights.
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Deep breath. We don't have to question someone else's discomfort or comfort with a group ride based on religion. They are entitled to feel the way they do and not much sense in trying to enlighten them.

The reality is, there are other motorcycle groups that are based on religion and they seem to do all right and not offend anyone.

This thread started by looking for other like minded people. If this was a military invite, I likely would skip it and not question the motives of the poster. I view this one the same way.

If it doesn't appeal to you, that's ok. You can question and express concerns and I believe they have been answered. It's up to the person that expressed their concerns to accept the explanation or not.

I don't see the motive of the post to be exclusionary but, I don't think I'd feel comfortable expressing interest in joining in the ride much in the same way as a ride for Jesus or war vet thread or dykes on bikes etc.

Ride safe everyone.
Just to clear any confusion.... Non Muslims are not excluded from our group and are welcome to join us on our rides, which are usually early in the morning to avoid traffic and heat

We have track days planned as well

You can join our meetup group, link below
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The original post was just a shout out to see if there was anybody else out there that shared a similar background and a love of two wheels, thats all.

I will ride with anybody.

Thankfully religious affiliation is a personal choice we make in Canada.

PM if you want to ride, I'll buy the Timmies afterwards :p.
Its ironic, but the meetup group that has been created because of this thread tell their members that:

"No religious talk will be tolerated- This is not a preaching group , Its a riding group , Please find your self a religious group if you have the urge to preach."
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