Muslim Motorcyclists GTA

because its all about

Walaikum Assalam. You can get together with Elite80. Just PM him. Hez a great company to ride with.
Just saw this thread. I'm from markham area. 16th and Woodbine.....let me know if you guys planning any rides. Also how can I join the group me thingy?
Oo nice... One more person from york region lol

Theres a link posted on the thread for groupme. Download the app

Or u can pm ur number to anyone of the members n we can add you
Originally Posted by key3thermal
Salam brothers.

Please don't joke about this in the holy month. Take your mocking somewhere else.

annnnnnd this is how wars get started.....
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Originally Posted by key3thermal
Salam brothers.

Please don't joke about this in the holy month. Take your mocking somewhere else.

annnnnnd this is how wars get started.....

Wars actually get started by men with no religion. They lust for control, power and money as this is their religion.. They have no care for the good of humanity.

They do however use normal people some of whom have religion to fight their wars. (People in desperate times tend to cling on to what they believe in for comfort). Keep in mind also most of these are 3rd world desperate uneducated idiots.

They play the whole religion thing out on media as the root of all wars and root of all evil to make people hate religion. The reason being,

1. It hides the true cause of the war.
2. Less religious people on earth means more overall debauchery.

You can put a Jew a Muslim a Christian a Hindu or whatever on an island and they will live in peace.. Every religion i know teaches tolerance and peace..

If you put some one on the island who is not happy with status quo and lusts power, he will use the religion angle.. Unfortunately MOST people believe and fall for it like you and its an easy tool with the aid of the media..

The whole cirriculum goes way way waaay deeper then this but i cant type it all..

Moral of the post. Religions are the scapegoats of war so you dont see the true reasons.

Ever wonder why the whole Islam thing came into existence after the Cold War ended ? Because your goverment always has to offer you a threat and provide itself as the so called protection to control you.

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Religion is not the cause of so many conflicts, but it is a tool ( and a very successful one) to exert control & gather the masses against a perceived enemy. It's in our genes to look for easy answers & to follow charismatic leaders. The mob (good or evil) will always have power over individuals. That's why grouping people into religions, ethnic groups, tribes, etc. has always been successful in our incredibly violent human history.
re. the three people on the island.... if there are enough resources and with leadership focusing on cooperation they would get along well as any other people, but if they are three religious fundamentalists, sorry....ugly ending.
re. "Less religious people on earth means more overall debauchery." read the old should be rated for the violence & sex.
re. "
Religions are the scapegoats of war".....yes, just like guns are the scapegoats of war. Reminds me of NRA ..."guns don't kill people, people kill people". Well, guns & religion sure make it a whole lot easier to kill people! It makes me sick when I see religious leaders blessing soldiers before battle....promises of paradise!!
re. "
cirriculum"... ???... typo?
My take on this.... we don't need religion to have morals / codes of behaviour. Be as honest & objective as you have to admit that there are both humane & despicable
religious people that you have met . Get out into society (don't rely on the media) and you will also see the same in atheists & agnostics, if you TALK to them.

.............. In a few generations of intermarrying, Canadian kids will be a nice shade of brown and that is great...but, if we are not careful of who/what we follow, I fear we will still have religions to fight over. it's in our nature to want to group with people exactly like ourselves....but this is the instinct we need to overcome if we are going to survive as a species. Mix with all kind of people and QUESTION everything.....understand the difference between facts, opinions & beliefs.
Ps...I don't do this with a mean spirit, the cartoon I posted is not aimed at any one's all of them (maybe not Quakers).
....... Show me a Christian riders group, posting publicly that they are looking for other Christians to ride with, and I'll find a cartoon for them also.
Adios!....I will be at a cabin w no electricity or internet for the next week, so have fun here but I can't respond

Every religion i know teaches tolerance and peace..

Respectfully, I disagree with this sentence. Most religions that I know anything about seem to have an in-built intolerance for other beliefs. That is, they all state that their way is the only way and that all other ways are wrong (or worse).
Not having actually read all of the various scriptures, I can believe that this may be partly due to followers' interpretations more so than the written word but definitely not in all cases.
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Group Ride at 6am??? damn that is early! Don't you people sleep....

I didn't mean you people as in "you people" but as in people in this thread alike...

I didn't mean that everyone looks alike but you people that are similar...

I am just going to leave...
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I'm a little uncomfortable with the exclusionist nature of this thread, particularly as it is based on religion.

I would post this same sentiment regardless of which religious affiliation was specified. But that's all I'll post about it here. Maybe in a different thread.

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