Of all the weekends I wont be in Barrie. That hardwood demo ride sounds awesome.
I haven't done hardwood hills since moving back here. I hear it's good times??
Of all the weekends I wont be in Barrie. That hardwood demo ride sounds awesome.
Never ridden it, but being able to demo 11 different manufacturers in one place is pretty awesome.I haven't done hardwood hills since moving back here. I hear it's good times??
I ended up going with a road bike, I got it brand new but year previous model and got a fair deal for it.
With a name like AbraCadabra, and a price tag like that...... that thing better be able to perform some tricks.
That's really not that much in the grand scheme of things.
I remember when I had bikes worth less than 5k. You start getting top of the line components and 5 grand doesn't take very long to pass.
What tire pressure do you guys run? I usually keep mine at 40PSI, but last weekend I ended up riding at just over 10 PSI. Yes I know dumb, BUT at low speed on rock gardens it was amazing. Climbing on jagged rocks was also easier. I am considering trying 20PSI. Am I nuts?
You're nuts for doing rock gardens slow
I run kenda nevegals and keep them at 55 psi. Min on the tire says 40. Anything lower is just too slow for regular riding
I ended up riding at just over 10 PSI.
I need to break in my boots a bit more before Mt. Rainier.
Try to take a GPS with the trail marked on it. My wife and I lost the trail on the glacier and had to go back the same way we came as I couldn't find the way forward. The fog closed in and the trail was buried in snow. Have fun, it's a nice hike.
EDIT: Make sure you have hiking poles, they make a huge difference.
I rode Midhurst last weekend. What a nicely built area that is. Clean trails, well built features, free to park and ride. I rode for 4 hours and probably only rode 1/4 of what is there.
THIS is why you don't balk at paying $2,000-3,500 for a hardtail frame.
"For many riders, a Dekerf is the holy grail of hardtail. Have you ever lusted for one of his steel – or perhaps Ti – beauties?"