I disagree with you.
Experience does = knowledge. Knowledge gained from real life experience is far more valuable than getting it any other way.
I do not have to give you any examples of this, you know what I am talking about.
I also know a lot more than Brian does about running a CT on a motorcycle because I do it. He doesn't.
Yes I just do it, I was worried too when I first put the CT on a couple of years ago, thinking I might have made a mistake.
But no, I realize now that it was an excellent decision on my part.
Sure its not for everybody, not for sport bikers or bikers with one track closed minds.
Sportbike riders and cruiser riders are 2 different bike cultures.
I have no experience riding sports bikes and would not try to tell a sports biker how to ride his bike or what damn tires to put on.
Why is it that sports bike riders think its ok to tell cruiser bikers what tires are ok on their bikes?
In any event Diesel is right, 8 pages of this **** is enough.
Time out.