Monitoring software for cell phones

....if i had to say what i am thinking right now, i would be hanging out with Sony for 3 days... this thread has winner written all over it ...
....if i had to say what i am thinking right now, i would be hanging out with Sony for 3 days... this thread has winner written all over it ...

Brb writing a suspense thriller screenplay about this with Sean Penn reprising his character from "I am Sam" to play the lead role as the hacker boyfriend, using his alias; Johnny Pneusonic.

Lindsay Lohan will play his sexually unsatisfied girlfriend in her comeback co starring role.

channing tatum, buffing up for the role, has a small role as the other man, Longrod VanHugendong.
Longrod VanHugendong.

One of my nick names in high school the others include:

  • Beat PunchBeef

  • Big, Brave Brick of Meat

  • Big McLargeHuge

  • Blast HardCheese

  • Blast ThickNeck

  • Bob Johnson

  • Bold BigFlank

  • Bulk VanderHuge

  • Brick HardMeat

  • Buck PlankChest

  • Buff DrinkLots

  • Buff HardBack

  • Butch DeadLift


  • ChunkHead

  • Chunky

  • Crud BoneMeal

  • Crunch ButtSteak


  • Dirk HardPec


  • Fist RockBone

  • Flink

  • Flint IronStag

  • Fridge LargeMeat

  • Gristle McThornBody


  • Hack BlowFist

  • Hunk


  • Lump BeefBroth


  • Punch RockGroin

  • Punch Side-Iron

  • Punt SpeedChunk


  • Reef BlastBody

  • Roll Fizzlebeef

  • Rip SteakFace


  • Slab BulkHead

  • Slab SquatThrust

  • Slam

  • Slate Fistcrunch

  • Slate SlabRock

  • Smash LampJaw

  • Smoke ManMuscle

  • Splint ChestHair

  • Stump BeefKnob

  • Stump Chunkman


  • Thick McRunFast

  • Touch RustRod

  • Trunk SlamChest


  • Whip SlagCheek
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Don't bother bugging her phone. It's over. She needs to leave you.

just my opinion.
Breathes new meaning to the expression "I'll 'tap' that"


Sent from my tablet using my paws
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I highly recommend cheating on the gf OP....this way you go for eye for an eye type of deal.

Much simpler let than this spy vs spy thing....
Just break up with her and move on....jesus christ on a bike. Don't bother being a stalking idiot (who, by the way, will surely never meet a mate on THIS site...ever).

Just break up with her and move on....jesus christ on a bike. Don't bother being a stalking idiot (who, by the way, will surely never meet a mate on THIS site...ever).


if you live out scarborough way, theres somebody special for everyone, warts and all.............
I think she's better off without you....:rolleyes:
How old are you guys, and how long have you been together? Unless you have a ring in your pocket, and NEED to know, ditch her. Chance are pretty solid that you two are going to break up anyway.

We're in our 30's, almost 5 years. Yes, the ring will be in the pocket once I know for sure.
Don't bother bugging her phone. It's over. She needs to leave you.

just my opinion.

The bugging her phone is not an option, or so it seems with what's out there. The phone needs to be jailbroken/unlocked and the apps/sotware that's out there don't suport iOS7.

So I'm thinking I'm going to put a tracking device on her car and also install an automated recorder to see if i can pick up on conversations.
Just break up with her and move on....jesus christ on a bike. Don't bother being a stalking idiot (who, by the way, will surely never meet a mate on THIS site...ever).


How is this stalking? I just want to know what I'm dealing with.
We're in our 30's, almost 5 years. Yes, the ring will be in the pocket once I know for sure.

Wow. You're having a serious trust issue with her, and yet you're ready to buy a ring?!?!
You really need to re-evaluate where you are in life. This is absolute high school crap, not worthy of a guy in his 30's who should know better.

What happens if she starts doing more stuff on her own after you get married - going to keep the tag on her wherever she goes?
Yes, the ring will be in the pocket once I know for sure.

You're going to propose to someone that you don't trust? This is why divorce rates are so high...
Wow. You're having a serious trust issue with her, and yet you're ready to buy a ring?!?!
You really need to re-evaluate where you are in life. This is absolute high school crap, not worthy of a guy in his 30's who should know better.

+1, on all three points!
Wow. You're having a serious trust issue with her, and yet you're ready to buy a ring?!?!
You really need to re-evaluate where you are in life. This is absolute high school crap, not worthy of a guy in his 30's who should know better.

What happens if she starts doing more stuff on her own after you get married - going to keep the tag on her wherever she goes?

Who said serious trust issues with her? And how is this high school crap? There is a billion dollar industry in tracking and private investigating, you think high school kids are funding that? Pretty sure it's mostly adults that are interseted in knowing what their spouses are up to.
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