Monitoring software for cell phones

Op i am curious...... what is she doing that makes you think she is cheating?
Does she text other people besides You? God forbid her is she is....
Does she spend too much time on facebook ? ...
Does she stay up late and not go to bed with you when your tiered and she's Not ?
Hey if Obama & Harper can wiretap an entire nation, I don't see how illegal that can become
I've come to the conclusion that you should find out if she's cheating. Not because I agree with mimico that she's probably out of your league, you know it, and don't want to give her up unless you have to. But, because I just read a stat that says 1 in 7 people in Canada have herpes, and over 80% don't know that they're infected. Unless you boil and bleach her before each shag, you're putting your junk on the line. And that's just one of many socially rewarding gift you can receive.

If you do find out she's cheating...
I've come to the conclusion that you should find out if she's cheating. Not because I agree with mimico that she's probably out of your league, you know it, and don't want to give her up unless you have to. But, because I just read a stat that says 1 in 7 people in Canada have herpes, and over 80% don't know that they're infected. Unless you boil and bleach her before each shag, you're putting your junk on the line. And that's just one of many socially rewarding gift you can receive.

If you do find out she's cheating...
Is that stat for people that have the virus anti-bodies? It's the herpes virus that causes cold sores as well. If it was 1-7 for genital I would see it more often that the once every couple months at work. However, people can carry the virus and not have a clue they are spreading it around. Rubbers aren't even a guarantee to prevent it.

But there is still a whole bunch of other fun prizes you can get. HIV is just as easy to get as anything else.
People, people! He's just trying to find out whether she's throwing him a surprise party for his birthday.. No need to tell him to end it because he is impatient and curious!
How did I miss this gem? I can see why everybody's up in arms about the road rager thread. "This rug really ties the room together" comes to mind.
Who said serious trust issues with her?

Because some adults are liars. If I felt I could ask, and get a straight honest answer, why would I be going to the trouble?

On top of that, I find those whom are the most untrusting of others are usually the most dishonest themselves, because they know that they are capable of those feats themselves. Someone who begs, lies, cheats, steals, murders, and commits crimes are much more paranoid about others doing the same. Someone who doesn't, would not expect that behaviour from others.

Gray area imho. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.
Examples provided on request. Teaser: child abuse.
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