What in this thread would suggest we talk about brand new teachers? This thread is about people making 100k. A teacher is at the top pay after what..... 5 years, or is it 7?
Please show me in your collective agreement where it states how many hours you should be working?
I worked with a manager at GM that went back to teachers college even though she was making $125K........it's tough to beat $83K, summers off, great pension and to top it off be in a union.
So they start at $48k, so they get $5000 a year raise they max out.....that's a pretty big % raise every year isn't it?
Sweet gig in Canada, considering other European countries require up to 5 years of teacher education, not one year like here.
actually, it takes 12 years to top out and that's after getting to A4 which for most teachers, means taking additional courses after they've done their 4 year undergrad and 1 year teacher education...so let's see, that's 5 years university plus night school for at least 2 years since you can only do 3 courses per year max...
as for the hours in our contract, you're right, it only states the school hours, but as another gentleman so kindly said about his fiance, we often go in early, stay late and take work home...there is a lot that needs to be done that you can't do with the kids in class...
and the raise, so yeah we get $5000 a year (for now that is) but after taxes, increased LTD payments and increased pension payments, we're lucky to take half of that home...
i laugh every time i see someone in a store with one or two kids of their own and they cannot control them whatsoever in the least because i think to myself, i'd like to see them try it with 20+ on a daily basis for 10 months...
i too was a manager (mutual funds) and have held many other high paying corporate jobs before i went back to teacher's college and i can honestly say, i've never worked harder in my life...now having said that, i've never had as much joy or reward at the end of a school year as i did in my previous careers...
like i said before, go volunteer in a school and then stay with the teacher until they leave and even go home with them to see how much more they do there before making comments such as these...the old adage stands, don't judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes...