actually, it takes 12 years to top out and that's after getting to A4 which for most teachers, means taking additional courses after they've done their 4 year undergrad and 1 year teacher let's see, that's 5 years university plus night school for at least 2 years since you can only do 3 courses per year max...
as for the hours in our contract, you're right, it only states the school hours, but as another gentleman so kindly said about his fiance, we often go in early, stay late and take work home...there is a lot that needs to be done that you can't do with the kids in class...
and the raise, so yeah we get $5000 a year (for now that is) but after taxes, increased LTD payments and increased pension payments, we're lucky to take half of that home...
i laugh every time i see someone in a store with one or two kids of their own and they cannot control them whatsoever in the least because i think to myself, i'd like to see them try it with 20+ on a daily basis for 10 months...
i too was a manager (mutual funds) and have held many other high paying corporate jobs before i went back to teacher's college and i can honestly say, i've never worked harder in my having said that, i've never had as much joy or reward at the end of a school year as i did in my previous careers...
This whole thing came up because I mentioned teaching as a job that pays $83000 and when you take into account the benefits, pension, and summers it's a $100K job........especially to those people on here that have jobs with just a salary.
Is that incorrect?
Then there are the teachers mentioning things like extra training that is that not normal in today's keep up with training and improve? Is this unique somehow, cause I got my Masters degree while working as an engineer and it's not all that unique.
Then there is the talk of working extra hours.....many jobs work extra hours, and if you don't you get fired......if a teacher works the hours specified in the collective agreement do they get fired? I had teachers that did the minimum and nothing happened. Since Im talking about teachers at the top pay bracket that would also mean they have experience and are more likely to have their material it safe to assume they will work less hours than a junior teacher? Are the bottom 10% performing teachers fired on a regular basis as they are in private sector companies where professionals are not protected by unions? I must ask why does a profession such as teaching need a union in the first place?
I have a family member that got into a university program that combined a Bachelors of Arts with a teachers certificate.......he flunked out of the combined program and got his BA. Finally got a contract job at an auto company, couldn't stand it so he went back to teachers college. Is that normal for teachers college requirements?
Today's Toronto Star - Front page Headline " Bad Trachers, Ontarios Secret List". All I can say is wow!! How does a teacher stay in good standing at the schoolboard after sexual harrasment???????? Ryan Geekie, have u heard of him??