Miss TMP contest, Please vote for me!

Looks like you're casting a spell on someone. Have we just been Hexed?

Yes, you have. Vote for Melanie. Vote for Melanie. Vote for Melanie.
Done! Good luck.
Voted! :)
And you're a good rider as well. Smooth and steady and one who uses her head also.:tongue2:

When I did this a couple years back on a dare that went bad the voting just GOT you to the event. After that, you're at the mercy of the crowd. The voting didn't actually mean much at all. When I got there, I quickly realized just how fixed it was and see it still is. Regardless, it was lots of fun. Based on popularity, you could win. Have lots of friends there to cheer for you. I made it to the top five out of 36 that year. The whole 30 only is faulty too I believe.

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