Milton Riders

It was great to meet you guys! Nice ride, thanks for organizing Mike and thanks for leading Marvin!

Hey Mike, i will let you know if i can make it to that other ride a little closer to next weekend, if the weather will be nice all weekend i think i will probably head out to Brighton, my buddy doesn't get the weekends off to often

Hopefully you're able to come on April 30th....if not all good time...summer is long and there will be more rides for sure.

Ride safe!
Wish I logged in earlier to see this thread, I'da been out for a boot for sure. This is my first log in for the season. Maybe I can make it out to the 30th ride. Likely be out this afternoon sometime solo since the weather is supposed to be awesome.

2010 white GSXR600
Yeah Patricia is my wife. Let's see how next Saturday works. Patricia normally hits the gym for a class on Saturday ay 10AM but we may be able to talk her out of it.

Happy Easter everybody!!
What a great day for a ride, too bad I couldn't make it cause of work. Any ways, I won't be able to make it out on the 30th as I am playing in my regional championships that weekend. Hopefully I can make it out sooner than later and meet all you guys and gals! Cheers

Saturday, April 30th is fast approaching. Current weather forecast shows a mix of sun and clouds high of 18 degrees. If this holds then the ride will occur if not then we'll have to re-schedule.

Meeting Spot: Derry and Bronte Road (Plaza across from the hospital where you will see Tim's, RBC, CIBC Wild wings etc.)

Time: 10:00am

Riding Pace: Intermediate, and at your own pace. Please note that the route may consist of and a mix between backroads, city and highway riding. If you are comfortable with the riding condition please feel free to join the ride. If the group gets too big we may have to split the groups ending the ride at the same location so we all can meet. Point A would be in our meeting place, Point B will be the second destination which we can discuss during the meet and Point C will be back to where we all initially met (Derry and Bronte). Standard group riding position applies (staggered position). I just want this to be a safe and fun ride for all and I apologize for the BS rules...LOL.

Route: I have a route in mind but I'm open to any suggestions so please feel free to discuss at our meet on Saturday. Guys from around here may have routes in mind as well so please feel free to bring it to the table...that would be much appreciated. Please DO NOT disclose routes online for obvious reasons.

Please come on time with your tank full. Don't pull a ME...the last time we road my tank was empty after 10 minutes... :)

Thanks guys and gals.

Hope to see you all Saturday...once again...this is weather permitting!

Ride safe!

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Please come on time with your tank full. Don't pull a ME...the last time we road my tank was empty after 10 minutes... :)

LOL it was freezing anyway, I doubt anyone minded... still pretty funny though
Hey dude hope you can make it on Saturday. Should be a blast...

I've got to be somewhere for most of the day, depending on the weather, i may "forget" to go. hehehe. Obviously i'd prefer to be riding!

Looking forward to meeting a few more faces too.
Patricia and I are going to try to make it out.
the 30th is fast approaching and the weather is looking good! hope the weatherman keeps his word.
Hey not from Milton but interested in the 'intermediate riding' on Sat, probably will be with a few other riders if that's ok.
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