Milton Riders

Hi all,

First and foremost thanks to all that came out today it was a good turn out. Thank you to Paul, Alex and the rest of the Hamilton folks for leading the way.

My aplogies to Marvin and gang we lost you by Twiss Road. Danny my apologies as well i'm not sure when you took off. At each turn Paul and whomever was last waited for the riders who was behind but I'm assuming some of the riders decided to split.

Alex, tabs and myself represented Milton riders till we hit Centennial think we kept up ok with the Hamilton folks...

Once again thanks for coming out.

Any meets for Milton please continue to update the thread so whomever is available can show.

Ride safe!
Good ride.

Leader did a great job, and no doubt did his best to keep us all together.

Thanks for setting up Darazcal.

See you on the next one!

p.s. The Budd's bbq and open house was amazing!! Tonnes of bikes.

p.s.s. Did you guys make it to the falls?
Good ride.

Leader did a great job, and no doubt did his best to keep us all together.

Thanks for setting up Darazcal.

See you on the next one!

p.s. The Budd's bbq and open house was amazing!! Tonnes of bikes.

p.s.s. Did you guys make it to the falls?

Crap! I forgot that you were going to the open house.... That would have been cool. We didnt make it to the falls, just finished up 20 and turned around. Great ride
Man what a super day!! I hope we didn't ditch anyone in milton :) Great bikes, and great route!

I already forget most real names and user names lol, so don't be afraid to pm me to remind me. Weve got to do this again.

I should have taken more pictures. Great job everyone!
Man what a super day!! I hope we didn't ditch anyone in milton :) Great bikes, and great route!

I already forget most real names and user names lol, so don't be afraid to pm me to remind me. Weve got to do this again.

I should have taken more pictures. Great job everyone!

You guys are welcome to the Hamilton rides too, as soon as Cap'n Slabbin starts organizing a few more since he started this years Ham rides thread. :) lol.
Great Day today and great ride. this was my first group ride and im hoping to be part of many many more. rout was awesome and the guys up front did a great job keeping the group together. met a lot of really cool people today. bottom line, GREAT RIDE!!!!

ps. also looking forward to those GoPro videos, please post if you guys dont mind.

till next time guys
Ride safe.
My footage sucks...stupid camrea only recorded the first 15 minutes of the ride and 5 of those minutes were in the parking lot. I didn't even get one wheelie on camera.
my gopro failed. lens inside the cover fogged up for some reason and I didn't see it until we stopped at the gas/tims. The footage came out blury.
Tabz for some reason I cannot find your close call in the videos. I had a close call too on my way home with Mike. Coincidently it was also a red suv with a lady driver.
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That's still a cool video!! As long as you cant see the plates, who cares! :)
my gopro failed. lens inside the cover fogged up for some reason and I didn't see it until we stopped at the gas/tims. The footage came out blury.
Tabz for some reason I cannot find your close call in the videos. I had a close call too on my way home with Mike. Coincidently it was also a red suv with a lady driver.

Hey Alex...thanks for posting the vid...pretty cool man...

As far as your close call...thank god nothing happened... it would've been a mess...first the BMW SUV (lady driver) who was turning right trying to beat you and that's why you switched lanes then the red Hyundai Santa Fe (lady driver) turning left almost hit you...crazy!!!!!!!
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