Milton Riders

Hey fellow Milton riders. My bike got stolen today (June 8th) from a residential underground garage in Milton 1105 Leger way ( Bronte and Louis St Laurent intersection).
If you spot it or have any info I would be very thankful!
My email is

It's 2015 FZ 07
Has Akra exhaust, Red, no stickers or marks.
I just did some modifications few days ago so it had bar end mirrors, flush front blinkers and integrated tail light with no orange side blinkers.

Thank you and ride safe!IMG_6315.jpgIMG_6316.jpgIMG_6242.jpg
Sucks to hear.
Hopefully they will find them and deal with them accordingly.
Hi Everyone,

I recently had a lot of spare time due to covid and I got a chance to get my license and got into riding! I was wondering if anyone wants to meet up for a ride, I live in Milton but I’m always around Mississauga/Oakville, Feel free to DM me or message me (+1 905-805-3489) and we can chat and set something up :)

Looking forward to meeting some of you
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