Maple/Vaughan Weekly Meets

If I get rid of this stupid cold :mad: by then, I'm going to try my best to join you guys! I really wanted to join Aminal's ride on Saturday, but didn't have it in me to ride that far.
I really enjoyed the last ride, and want to do it again before the snow :((Ooops did I write that four letter word?) flies!
If I get rid of this stupid cold :mad: by then, I'm going to try my best to join you guys! I really wanted to join Aminal's ride on Saturday, but didn't have it in me to ride that far.
I really enjoyed the last ride, and want to do it again before the snow :((Ooops did I write that four letter word?) flies!

The trick to getting rid of a cold is to go to bed with a good bottle of cognac.

You have until Sun. morning to recover which is plenty of time.

And don't mention that obscene four letter word known as "neige" en francais.
La "neige" peut attendre! I'm doing all I can to get rid of the cold...considering the cognac too;)
Anyone riding tonight - Shopsy's last meet for the season.
I'm always there, not much of a ride for me though, I live on Front St.


That nice lady on the cruiser wants to know when you are going to give her "private" riding lessons on the Ninja 500!! lol

lol private is expensive unless they are under the age of 25 and attractive price is greatly reduced :cool:
i live in thornihll
anybody up for a ride lemme know
im always up for something
i live in thornihll
anybody up for a ride lemme know
im always up for something

Keep your eye on this thread. We usually have a couple of rides per week.

This sunday 10 am we are going to #507/Elephant Lake Road in Haliburton area.

Look at previous posts for details. Everyone welcome.
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