magats take over congress

must say I admire the us police state apparatus, dude shaved up and everything after stealing and storming the capital, but they found his ass hiding in florida real quick
The same video clips in the segment above are now being widely circulated. Names and faces will continue to be put together.
i'm more curious to see what they will say about the whole thing when interpreting the laws.
I'd expect a range of sentences from suspended to serious jail time. I think a lot of charges are federal. Many of them mean no firearms for the “winners” of these “prizes” so that will make them especially happy. Congress has given approval for whatever resources are required to find and prosecute apparently.
I think they are playing scare tactics.

No charges that will get someone locked up will be laid
I think they are playing scare tactics.

No charges that will get someone locked up will be laid
pretty sure they already charged a few guys for insurrection at the request of the DoJ.
I just heard something on a news-talk show that I have no way to verify at the moment.

It's quite apparent that US Capital security was a massive failure and they did not have the National Guard ready. That's obvious.
Evidently that's because the FBI was not officially aware of what was coming (even though there were posts all over social media about it).
Evidently that's because the FBI is not allowed to pro-actively investigate what would fall into the category of "domestic terrorism".
Evidently that's because the USA has no law that covers domestic terrorism.

If they had been of a foreign religion or acting in the interest of a foreign body then they could have done that.

What a sad joke of a country.
I just heard something on a news-talk show that I have no way to verify at the moment.

It's quite apparent that US Capital security was a massive failure and they did not have the National Guard ready. That's obvious.
Evidently that's because the FBI was not officially aware of what was coming (even though there were posts all over social media about it).
Evidently that's because the FBI is not allowed to pro-actively investigate what would fall into the category of "domestic terrorism".
Evidently that's because the USA has no law that covers domestic terrorism.

If they had been of a foreign religion or acting in the interest of a foreign body then they could have done that.

What a sad joke of a country.
Problem is, DC is the "District of Colombia" -- it's not an official state. The Mayor of the city cannot call to request the National Guard -.
It is a District, and therefore falls under the Federal jurisdiction.
You actually think that Trumpy wanted the National Guard there to help quell the uprising he was so desperately craving?
I think they are playing scare tactics.

No charges that will get someone locked up will be laid

If they don't hand out severe punishments, it's open season on all govt buildings if everyone knows it's just a slap on the wrist. This includes their orange-skinned ringleader.

They have to send out a message that this is not acceptable. I think these idjits are going to be made an example of.
A whole slew of these idiots have already been fired from their jobs or suspended without pay. There was a fireman there and a few Seattle cops apparently. It seems a sizeable portion of the US likes the idea of delusional treasonous individuals being locked up. The guy that sat in Pelosi's office had a visit from 8 FBI vehicles apparently and a full search of his property before being hauled away. They aren’t ******* around.
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