MacDoc's new ride MT3..naked bike questions. | Page 9 |

MacDoc's new ride MT3..naked bike questions.

Ever seen a $2000 motorcycle jacket?

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Insane price. There's a thread about it on ADV. One guy hated it.

I like the Nomax and it is the Swiss Army knife of tank bags. I’m too cheap to pay for new and got a deal for a used one. I really like it. It has the back pack strap like my old Oxford bag, making it easy to carry and bring valuables with you.
Well mixed progress....the larger Nelson Rigg pillion bag is going back.
Looks nice, fits the laptop, no chance of getting a leg over it which also means the cute yellow jobbie won't work either.

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So sticking with smaller Nelson Rigg which I already owned plus the hard case laptop sleeve.
I might try and fit my regular laptop sleeve inside that hard case and leave it there as I like the cushioning better. Didn't work.
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The added magnets on the tank for my old 6L Oxford tank bag look to work the charm as long as the high end epoxy holds. It is going to cure overnight. Only needed two of the four magnets. For sure will be using the security strap until I'm confident. Not sure I have the correct adhesive :unsure:
Once I get the 6L installed then will decide on the windscreen. For now I'll keep the expensive camera gear in my pocket or the tail bag. Enough room for a small shop. Don't think I can manage the expanded bag. That mesh pocket useful for meds and snacks tho prefer them in a tank bag.
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Will be nice to have Diet Coke at hand and the power brick, a few other snacks. That weight will test the expoxyDays are getting warmer.
Cost is staying low. $13 for magnets, $25 for high end Epoxy :eek: and $43 for the hardshell laptop sleeve. The spare magnets and extra epoxy will find a use.
The small Nelson Rigg tail bag I bought back in 2021 for $111 I never used, as I opted for the 49L Shad topcase. which served me well tho was $$
Same N/R Commuter Lite bag is now $182 from Amazon...serious inflation there.
It's 11.7L expandable to 15.3L. That will do. The bungie is gone and the quality NR straps used. Quite impressed with NR quality and design. Even the rain cover. It tightens over the pillion bag to present no wind issue and be very secure.
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Will ride without the cover as I'm rain adverse anyways.
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Lightbulb went off today.💡 In chasing a new bike I had not distinguished between twin and single.
Most in the 300 class I tried were singles which I don't mind then I noticed the MT-03 was a twin. Explains some performance differences....willingness to rev. Nice treat.

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Bah humbug...hate being old. 🤬 Struggled to get leg over the tail bag today. I think part of it was having the tank bag in place changed my positioning a bit. Gonna ride with just the magnetic tank bag and laptop case for now. Get more saddle time...figure out storage later.
Bah humbug...hate being old. 🤬 Struggled to get leg over the tail bag today. I think part of it was having the tank bag in place changed my positioning a bit. Gonna ride with just the magnetic tank bag and laptop case for now. Get more saddle time...figure out storage later.

That sucks.

Many decades ago, I bought a bike over the wintertime and it was delivered to us by van.

The salesguy was older and he also had mobility problems, but he still got on the motorcycle to ride it to our driveway.

What he did was: bike on the sidestand, he stepped on the left footpeg with his left foot. Stood up on the footpeg, with his left hand on the left handlebar, his right hand grabbed his right ankle and he pulled his right leg/foot over the left pannier and passenger seat and let it down on the right footpeg.

Maybe give that a try?
Thanks. I've helped my leg over at times....when I had panniers on the CB500x.
Since I weigh too close to what the bike weighs. 110kg vs 160kg for the bike...attempting to stand on the peg leaves me wondering about tipping the bike. :unsure:
Right now too hot out and too grumpy to try. 1729140616757.gif
Your story reminds me of when my Vstrom died in Virginia from a failed stator and needed a tow. I was aging then and the guy they sent made me look young.
He tried to run the Vstrom up the ramp and dropped harm done.
Between us on the second go was successful. Just had a flash back to that.
Was supposed to run the whole of the Blue Ridge that trip. Didn't happen :(
I didn't think the magnets would hold up well.
Glad you didn't loose the bag.
Front one is fine and actally the adhesive did not hold on the magnet rather than not holding on the tank...that should be fixable.
Security strap is looped around the phone mount so easy on off. The tank bag was heavily loaded for its size.
So reattached the rear magnet.on the tank bag....will let it sit in the hot temps today.
I just need to be careful taking both front and rear of the bag off. For fueling I can just tip the bag up after releasing the rear magnet gently - I used to be able to be rough with the ones are too strong to yank on.
Also discovered the trouble getting my leg over was the full tank bag...flip that up and I have much easier time. The glue has set and the bag lifts off fine but is very secure. Will keep the security strap on tho. :rolleyes:

Sorted a mirror problem, redid the tail riding today I don't think since it feels so humid but..... 🍿

Went back to the 6l Nelson Rigg and cleaned up the straps. Bag sits further back on the pillion giving my boot clearance. It was fine with my boots on but no riding pants tho I don't think those are an issue.
WIll ride tomorrow with my armoured shirt. much cooler.
Ordered up and back risers from Temu

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... and a Rhino Walk side bag that was on special.
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Some potential to replace the current Nelson Rigg set up on the pillion as I think the laptop may fit.
width of 11.97” height of 8.36” laptop very close 11.4 x 8.3 " for the Rhino Walk,...the RW is roll top so should be okay and snug. For $28 why not.
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