Looking to develop a second career

How can you be so busy yet have so much time time on your hands? I remember before the "great post dump of 2012", OP was over 6000 posts!
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That's just the thing, he really doesn't want advice, these threads are vehicles to satisfy his need to brag in a thinly veiled manner, and hoping to generate pity at the same time. Any and all suggestions will be met with arguments that negate them.

In before he replies with some sort of deflecting comment.


Brag about what??
lets review
1. He supposedly works 16 hours a day, 7 days a week
2. Supposedly pays other managers and staff to work so he doesn't have to be there. ( what the **** is he doing for 16 hours a day then?.)
3. doesn't make enough money for a lavish lifestyle but enough to live comfortable and frugal.
4. Wants to find more work to do.

so if you are suggesting he is bragging that he is more than likely , lying , stupid ,crazy or all 3 then ok yeah...he's bragging .
Minimally he's bragging that he is the worst business person ever with a horrible ability to generate work and hours that don't pay well and his life has no balance or upside for all the " work"

Also this is another way to do it. Gold.

Anyway, can't stick around. I gotta go tweak the profile to more accurately reflect my place in the pecking order. Toodles.
I think OP needs Vista Print.

If you've been reading op's post, you'll know that this weren't to be taken seriously.

Now i'm thinking of being a pimp as a career, where can i start?

Sent from my Phone, dont judge the grammar
The cash flow is enough for me to live a frugal and comfortable life nothing luxurious. I have to give a certain percentage of it up to managers and key staff as an incentive to make sure things run smoothly and I don't have to be involved on a daily basis.

Hey I live frugally if you want to call it that. I just see it as living within my means. You can be frugal and live luxuriously in a third world/developing country. I think you need to leave Canada for a while or head West to get a totally difference experience and see the many opportunities or not. Or go east to Quebec.

Rockerguy: We might have met. I'm usually mistaken for a teeny.
It sounds like you need to *learn* how to enjoy some down time. Seriously, the body and mind arent meant to be on the 'go' for 24/7 365. You may be able to pull it off now because you're relatively young, but chances are that it's not going to last.

Have you considered that you may have an anxiety issue? As fruity as it sounds, taking up some meditation classes might help you learn how to slow down a bit and enjoy the present moment.

Probably dunno. I stopped riding this year too to pay off business debt and such. Goal is to be debt free as fast as possible.

Link666. You work all the time, have multiple businesses with managers running them,and want to work more but aren't rich.? Your words. Here's a wake up. You obviously aren't good at business. So go back to basics and focus on making what you are doing more profitable, stop asking for advice on forums and please get rich and or fulfilled. I dont know whether you are lying, crazy , stupid or all 3.
what kind of person chooses to employ people and to work 14 to 16 hours a day 7 days a week and only generate income for a frugal lifestyle. ???
I smell a lot of BS here

I'm working those hours right now, but the managers and supervisors will be when I don't want to anymore. Right now I'm the employer and employee.

Sorry if this thread upsets some of you. Usually get good general advice here but I will remember not to ask next time.

/end thread
I'm not saying I understand the motivation, this is just the pattern. The brag is about owning the businesses, retire at 32, yadda yadda. Then "pity me, i work 14 hours a day".

I don't want pity for working 14hrs a day. I'm quite happy that I can and do. It's something I'm proud of lol.
Probably dunno. I stopped riding this year too to pay off business debt and such. Goal is to be debt free as fast as possible.

I'm working those hours right now, but the managers and supervisors will be when I don't want to anymore. Right now I'm the employer and employee.

Sorry if this thread upsets some of you. Usually get good general advice here but I will remember not to ask next time.

/end thread

good job dodging. Can you make money at that?
Sorry if this thread upsets some of you. Usually get good general advice here but I will remember not to ask next time.

/end thread

You're surprised people you don't know gave you crappy advice about personal life decisions?

Shame on us!
Wow! I'm right!

In all seriousness I'm thinking about investing in a hot dog stand. Low start up costs and people will always be hungry.

Cash business either be there yourself all day or expect there to be theft. I think there is a line up for those and can you work in the cold?

If you want to come and visit my stores throw me a PM and you can come anytime. Have a free meal on me :)
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