Sounds like the OP is going through a quarter-life crisis.
Don't worry, bro. It'll pass. I'm going through one myself.
Here are some things I found
- Talking to career counselors: they are great as band-aid solutions. But, they just tell you want you want to hear (and you steer them in the direction where you get told what you what to hear)
- Deluding yourself into thinking you can find a career that you love
- Conversely, believing that you can find a career that matches your "gifts"
- Finding a career in the arts: I was doing indie films before (had my films screened at festivals worldwide, winning multiple awards, and televised on CBC), but, at the end of the day, it left me with a poop-load of debt. Plus, all my filmmaking friends don't make any money from it, and have full-time jobs.
- Going to grad/professional school just to see if it fits: I went to law school (and have my law degree), but it was the biggest waste of time. I don't practice law, and never had the intention of becoming a lawyer. I know, it seems dumb. But, wasn't a law degree supposed to be valuable in other fields outside of law? NO! If you're going to pursue a higher degree, make sure it's the profession you want to pursue before applying.
And, here are some things I found (somewhat) helpful

- Acknowledging that you're second guessing your career choice, mostly b/c of anxiety: don't let fear get the best of you. It's likely your fear is making your situation seem worse than it really is.
- Acknowledging the "grass-is-always-greener" syndrome: have you thought about the possibility that if you changed careers, you'd likely feel the same way as you do now (i.e., feeling unfulfilled)?
- Just doing anything: get involved in activities that involve others, even if they might not lead to your second career. Doing things solo (like pursuing writing or painting) only feeds anxiety and perpetuates stagnation.
- Reading Conquering Your Quarterlife Crisis by Alexandra Robbins: there's some helpful info, but there's nothing groundbreaking here.
- Taking ownership and responsibility for your career choice(s): In my search for another career, I've wasted so much time trying to find the right career that fits. I went on a number of career paths only to change directions--and then having to start from ground zero--b/c it didn't meet my (unrealistic) expectations. Taking responsibility means sticking things out when things don't go your way.
Anyway, hope this helps, OP! Good luck on your search.