Looking for Fast Riders

you hit a nerve cause i thanked you, offered to buy you lunch and called you a fruitcake?? i love how you do research on me ! keep it coming , I sound awesome when you describe me..damn im sexy.

Has nothing to do with research its just reading your posts that's it and I have a good memory,oh yeah I almost forgot I must respect you as you rode with Paulo Rossi and some other racers.How much did you pay?.....................LOL

Sexy I bet, I picture you 220lbs 5'6" and balding

thanks for using my quote on your sig you are the best
Has nothing to do with research its just reading your posts that's it and I have a good memory,oh yeah I almost forgot I must respect you as you rode with Paulo Rossi and some other racers.How much did you pay?.....................LOL

Sexy I bet, I picture you 220lbs 5'6" and balding

thanks for using my quote on your sig you are the best

who the **** is paulo rossi...when you picture me am i nude? 208 6 ft 1 and balding but close
Has nothing to do with research its just reading your posts that's it and I have a good memory,oh yeah I almost forgot I must respect you as you rode with Paulo Rossi and some other racers.How much did you pay?.....................LOL

Sexy I bet, I picture you 220lbs 5'6" and balding

thanks for using my quote on your sig you are the best

come to think of it that arm in the avatar does look pretty flabby.
insurance who said insurance fuk that's where all my money went, hey son give me all my money before i get to you.
Looking for any other riders in the Hamilton area, that enjoy riding quickly on the track, or the back roads. Also will be riding Saturday Apr.13 or Sunday Apr.14 depending on the weather.

hey raymon. looks like your gonna have to make a new thread. looks like your secret admirer is is trying vigorously to trash your thread. ma-bee its the all the aggression built up form receiving all the ATM.
hey raymon. looks like your gonna have to make a new thread. looks like your secret admirer is is trying vigorously to trash your thread. ma-bee its the all the aggression built up form receiving all the ATM.

i dont want to ruin the thread im having fun in it
THREAD CLOSED......Oh wait i don't have the power .... Trash away folks

Someone must realize they just can't say nasty derogatory comments and not get some kind of retaliation in return.He does that to most and it goes uncontested.
Again I state that I did not comment directly or indirectly to sonnythebull to warrant his original comments made towards me.Of course I am going to defend myself.
I feel sorry for his children if he has any,money can buy lots of things but respect must be earned.

BTW" paulo rossi" LMAO shows how much racing I watch

At this point I am not gonna post anything else in this thread

Someone must realize they just can't say nasty derogatory comments and not get some kind of retaliation in return.He does that to most and it goes uncontested.
Again I state that I did not comment directly or indirectly to sonnythebull to warrant his original comments made towards me.Of course I am going to defend myself.
I feel sorry for his children if he has any,money can buy lots of things but respect must be earned.

BTW" paulo rossi" LMAO shows how much racing I watch

At this point I am not gonna post anything else in this thread


lol Did Rossi change his name..its all good just pulling your chain..
Assassin is my Hero !!!!!
I don't know all of u conversing on this thread,but i do have to say it's frikkin hilarious !!!
-Now for u who ***** the most ,just kindly get out there & ride your bike ( so there maybe a possibility of u having some skills )
it's only an opinion
Im with Bandit on this issue (not because i rode with him before ), he didnt say anything insulting , simply sonny insulted him calling with names without knowing who he is . i have been at the same situation afew weeks ago with someone who based my skills on a joke comment (calling me clumsy).

there are some ppl on this forum who is really bored depressed and looking for an altercation out of nothing, they dont even know the person and start calling them with names. if you dont agree , just say u dont agree or try to prove your point without insulting them, i bet you wouldnt do that in person , why you do that behind the screen. easy?

for posting what are you looking for on a group ride , i think its good that ppl post their pace and what kind of riders they wanna ride with.

this comment is from clumsy 250 rider :pottytrain5:
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(Analysist) and type of square heads drama lovers is what keeps similar threads alive, I dont mind it, bring good memories of those rides. There are tons more of these pople in the forum I wonder why they are shut. Let this fun continue.
(Analysist) and type of square heads drama lovers is what keeps similar threads alive, I dont mind it, bring good memories of those rides. There are tons more of these pople in the forum I wonder why they are shut. Let this fun continue.

sonnythebulls's ATM friends don't want to reveal themselves. its like ATM'ing a fat chick after getting drunk at the bar. cant blame them for hiding can you.
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