I'll go with you guys too but only if there's guardrails to keep me right side up
lmao only the french.....
I'll go with you guys too but only if there's guardrails to keep me right side up
The funny thing is that he is not kidding - he is also good riding home without a clutch :director: people get the hell out of the waylmao only the french.....
ramon, ive been on lots of assassins rides, there fun, but in all honestly someone soon is going to die.
we have done lots of 250+ kph runs down hw 69 and had a few really close calls. sooner or later the luck runs out. have fun ride smart.
after watching a skilled rider run off the road and slam into the ditch and almost die, it was a real eye opener, the only reason he did not die was because there was an ambulance 5 min up the road from a house call 2 min earlier. ride safe on the street, have your fun on the track.
Vids would be great....
I want to see faaasssstttttttttttttttttttttt!
Vids would be great....
I want to see faaasssstttttttttttttttttttttt!
ramon, ive been on lots of assassins rides, there fun, but in all honestly someone soon is going to die.
we have done lots of 250+ kph runs down hw 69 and had a few really close calls. sooner or later the luck runs out. have fun ride smart.
after watching a skilled rider run off the road and slam into the ditch and almost die, it was a real eye opener, the only reason he did not die was because there was an ambulance 5 min up the road from a house call 2 min earlier. ride safe on the street, have your fun on the track.
ramon, ive been on lots of assassins rides, there fun, but in all honestly someone soon is going to die.
we have done lots of 250+ kph runs down hw 69 and had a few really close calls. sooner or later the luck runs out. have fun ride smart.
after watching a skilled rider run off the road and slam into the ditch and almost die, it was a real eye opener, the only reason he did not die was because there was an ambulance 5 min up the road from a house call 2 min earlier. ride safe on the street, have your fun on the track.
Loved it! I want a pocket bike now....
someone pleaseeee take a gopro of these rides and post it. I want to see the carnage 8)you will die if you don't listen to the assassins riders meet. he clearly states to ride at your own pace and not to ride above your skill level. also he gives you directions back home if you cant handle the pace. on dangerous roads he will give warnings to slow us down. when the coast is clear he is up on one wheel.
someone pleaseeee take a gopro of these rides and post it. I want to see the carnage 8)
I ride a 125 and have no knee pucks can I please join!
Wanna race my 125 :hello2:I just installed a k&n filter and shiny new muffler thingy on my 125 limited edition color with matching helmet.
Wanna race my 125 :hello2:
someone pleaseeee take a gopro of these rides and post it. I want to see the carnage 8)
Now I'm really curious, wish there was some footage of these rides! They sound pretty intense, going 250+ wow! My little 250 can just do a little more than half of that =/.
I guess no one would want to post footage anyways, pretty easy to incriminate each other. (PM me some footage, I'm not a cop)