Mad Mike
Well-known member
Thing is you can do both.That is one of the good stories. I wish it was the norm.
Why isn't everyone in the same boat?
I'm sure we all know of cases where the person died in poverty after squandering every cent they made. If they enjoyed the blast were they better off than the prudent ones that never kicked up their heels?
My dad and mom put a meagre 5% away from the time they started working. At 18 yrs old that was about $4/week for him and $3 for her. At 65 that retirement plan was kicking out $5k/mo in income and had enough equity for them to live happily ever after.
I don’t blame Harris. I blame a population that has shirked personal responsibility and become addicted to entitlements.Another thing to consider - long term care for the most part is 'for profit'. The players answer to the shareholders, care of residents is secondary. Who's to blame ? Mike Harris - he deregulated the business when he was premier, and no subsequent government has had the nuggets to do anything about it. He's now the big kahuna for a lot of the privately run homes. A real, enforced provincial strategy would go a long way to protecting residents and front line care givers. We have a provincial health care system that we all pay into, and reap the benefits. The same thing could work in LTC (or motor vehicle insurance, but that's a topic for another day).
I have acquaintances who know exactly what the daily “entitlement” is worth, the could give a **** about planning for the possibility they may need care someday.
I don’t know what the govt pays, don’t care because I never plan to see myself or wife in a GovtVilla rest home, I have always chosen to rely on myself for whatever I can.