List things you hear the opposite sex say that completely turns you off

"you're a nice guy but... "
"not so hard!take it easy"
"is this showing to much?" really you expect me to say yes?
"I don't want to take the bike today" (she's see a dust trail after saying that)!!!
Cause 90% of the time girls that say this ARE drama themselves and this is the reason they can't get along with other females. THe reason they, supposedly, get along great with guys is because most of these guys have an incentive to hang out with them and be nice to them (they are trying to get in their pants).

I have female friends that I see casually now and then and i don't want to bone them. Neither do I talk/hang out with them regularly.

I wholeheartedly agree though --> Chick with no close female friends and only guy friends... there is something wrong there and a reason for it. RUN.
"That was fun. I think you should clean it now?"
I'm calling the police
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