List things you hear the opposite sex say that completely turns you off

I is confused.....

couple versions of this, but I'm sure you'll get the gist...

A man and a woman were in bed getting ready to have sex.
The woman directed the man,
“Go ahead. Put your finger in there.”
So the man did, and after a few minutes, she said, “Put a few more in.”
So the man put a few more in, and then she requested, “Put your whole hand in.”
The man did this, and after a few moments the woman said,
“Now put your other hand in.”
So the man did. The woman said, “Clap now”

“I can’t,” replied the man.

So the woman said, “Tight, isn't it?”
:angry7: Brah

I use "dude" but I'm cute.
"Want to see my new tattoo? I got your name on my..."
"Can we just cuddle tonight?"
"I'm sorry, I should have told you I was on my period today before I asked you to drive over here, but I just thought you were just going to say you were too busy".
"You're more into your motorcycle than you are into me".
"I don't know how to tell you this, but I have herpes... But I don't have a flare up right now so we can still have sex if you want".
"I'm not licking your balls".
"I hate watching football"
"I saw you looking at my friend... You think she is hot?" (raises eyebrows) "Your such a pig".
"I look so fat in this...."
"My ex use to always ask for a threesome, I hope your not like him".
"Can you turn the tv to channel 08? Bold and the Beautiful is on".
"I go clubbing at least 3 times a week".
"You know you look like...(some famous black guy)"
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" F*uck my life ! "

" I like Rap "

" It takes me over an hour to get ready "

" Slow down ! "
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