Sailed over your heads I guess. Sarcasm detectors need repair.
Never expect sarcasm to carry in simple text. Emoticons exist for this very reason.
Sailed over your heads I guess. Sarcasm detectors need repair.
I can't really agree with that either. That creates a 'tyranny of the majority.' In other words urban cores would wipe rural life out of existence. Farming would suffer, when it's a mainstay of our economy and way of life, as would other industries like lumbering.
The setback might be temporary but I'd see it as a temporary costly setback that would teach us a lesson. Hell, the first thing I know that the majority would do is grab my guns and then we'd just have to wait until food and lumber prices jump up and a good chunk of our mineral resources becomes economically inviable. I probably won't get'em back, but the next generation would.
A constitution prevents a tyranny of the majority. The system that we have is severely disproportional. Bottom line is that if people don't get to determine how the country is run, why bother even pretending we have a democracy?
What we currently have isn't broken enough to warrant a complete scrapping and rebuild. What we need to to create incentives for regional representatives to truly represent their electors while simultaneously censuring political leaders for punishing the regional reps, when they vote their electors' collective will. Perhaps the one change that we need to to make the party leaders less of a controlling force in their parties, and more of a figurehead?
That is one possibility, but how would you make that happen?
That's a very good question and one that I don't have a particularly good answer for. The only one that I've come up with is to elect the PM as a separate entity from his party, as the Americans do their President, and give him veto power. I don't particularly like Americanizing our system in any way but, given that we would maintain the two Houses of government and the trappings of royalty, it might work.
That's a very good question and one that I don't have a particularly good answer for. The only one that I've come up with is to elect the PM as a separate entity from his party, as the Americans do their President, and give him veto power. I don't particularly like Americanizing our system in any way but, given that we would maintain the two Houses of government and the trappings of royalty, it might work.
And which party will step forward to fundamentally change our political system?
It's called "the electorate." Don't expect politicians to change their course, without pressure from the public.
The masses have become brainwashed. Free beer tomorrow.
I've read this a half dozen times and I still can't see the sense in it. According to you, self-serving voters lead to big government projects which lead to more waste. Presumably, waste is the heart of the problem with government?The reason we have self serving politicians is that we have self serving voters. Give me a free cultural centre for my riding and I'll vote for you. So dumb self serving voter gets a free cultural centre and pays higher taxes to pay for his sworn enemy's cultural centre in another riding. No one realizes that if they paid their own way the lack of governmental squandering would have saved them all a bundle.
The masses have become brainwashed. Free beer tomorrow.
This whole free gift card boondoggle is really making them look incompetent.
To what degree? Should we not have our own home owner's/renter's insurance?
Well, ya. And how people let food get spoiled in the middle of winter is beyond me.