lets talk about mobile voice/data plans

I'm with virgin and have been for a long time my plan is Less than $40/month, but thats because it is the same plan ive had since i signed up. I just have to buy my phones outright, but whatever, at least im not stuck paying $80/month for the same service!

Yeah, totally fine buying my phones. I've been using a Windows phone and happy with it. And only $150 brand new.
Call me cheap, but I refuse to pay $80 month for mobile.
Yeah, totally fine buying my phones. I've been using a Windows phone and happy with it. And only $150 brand new.
Call me cheap, but I refuse to pay $80 month for mobile.
I have a similiar deal have a $60 dollar plan with 6 gigs they told me if I want to upgrade phones to get 6gigs nob would cost like 110 a month.... Cheaper to buy a phone. Got a one plus one! Epic phones
unlimited voice/roaming in Canada
10 gb data limit(throttled after)
unlimited messaging in Canada
rogers corporate plan-- some jerk tried to sell his line on kijiji.. so # of lines being restricted now.
they should be able to match that for around $80 to the public

Was going to say, this would be a good deal, until you mentioned the price for everyone else. That deal is about twice as good as what Rogers gives my company. Not that I'd switch to them, anyway, since they don't have enough coverage for me but I could maybe get Telus or Bell to offer the same (we have deals with them, as well, but none are nearly as good as the one you posted).
Was going to say, this would be a good deal, until you mentioned the price for everyone else. That deal is about twice as good as what Rogers gives my company. Not that I'd switch to them, anyway, since they don't have enough coverage for me but I could maybe get Telus or Bell to offer the same (we have deals with them, as well, but none are nearly as good as the one you posted).
glad tp be of service
Wind. About $40 gets you unlimited call, text and data.
unlimited voice/roaming in Canada
10 gb data limit(throttled after)
unlimited messaging in Canada
rogers corporate plan-- some jerk tried to sell his line on kijiji.. so # of lines being restricted now.
they should be able to match that for around $80 to the public

hmm i have this except my limit is 6gb... interesting!
If you never leave the city this is a great option.
Agreed. I hate when I go riding and I don't have data plan. But otherwise is great.
Agreed. I hate when I go riding and I don't have data plan. But otherwise is great.

Roaming is $0.05/MB, so $50/GB while you're roaming on WIND. More than reasonable for what you pay otherwise.
Roaming is $0.05/MB, so $50/GB while you're roaming on WIND. More than reasonable for what you pay otherwise.
Yeah... but the problem is that when you go riding outside of the city, most of the times you end up not having reception.

I just bought a cheap Motorola with dual sim cards to solve that. I'm going to use that as a GPS when I'm back. Clone my Wind card so I can use it in the city, and add a pre-paid for when I'm in the rural area.
That's the issue I have with Wind. For the times that I do venture out on the bike, I want to know I will have reception. Also, as Dresden has stated, Wind is on roaming in my house. Otherwise, would be an option. Mobilicity's service ends a couple blocks south of me. I have been looking at Fido.
Yeah... but the problem is that when you go riding outside of the city, most of the times you end up not having reception.

I just bought a cheap Motorola with dual sim cards to solve that. I'm going to use that as a GPS when I'm back. Clone my Wind card so I can use it in the city, and add a pre-paid for when I'm in the rural area.

Yeah, it's Rogers coverage, so it can be hit an miss if you go too out there. Bell would be a better option, as your second SIM.
Ok, so I walk into a Fido store tonight. My wife wants to see the different models, sizes etc. She's looking and I ask about 750 min/ 750 mb plan. "I'm sorry sir, but we don't have that anymore. The new plans just came out." TODAY! ? oh, and they don't include voice mail either! Back to the drawing board...
"His wife would.love to tools user the tree. You know, user the tree. To tools." Inreb, via Professor
The motto of the providers is "(PAY) more for less (service)"

Ok, so I walk into a Fido store tonight. My wife wants to see the different models, sizes etc. She's looking and I ask about 750 min/ 750 mb plan. "I'm sorry sir, but we don't have that anymore. The new plans just came out." TODAY!  oh, and they don't include voice mail either! Back to the drawing board...
"His wife would.love to tools user the tree. You know, user the tree. To tools." Inreb, via Professor
unlimited voice/roaming in Canada
10 gb data limit(throttled after)
unlimited messaging in Canada
rogers corporate plan-- some jerk tried to sell his line on kijiji.. so # of lines being restricted now.
they should be able to match that for around $80 to the public

Tell me that's a typo

Sent from my my mobile using a strange app for damaged people
Roaming is $0.05/MB, so $50/GB while you're roaming on WIND. More than reasonable for what you pay otherwise.

Like others said, it roams on Rogers, which actually has very little coverage anywhere a couple hours north of the border.

I can use upwards of 3GB in areas that are not covered by Wind in a month (I've done 5GB before when the town I was in had no internet for the week). So my bill would jump from $60 now to almost $200 in that case. Not cheaper.
Just stayed with Rogers. Took 500 min/ 500 mb, mini vm, cd, early eves & w/e, unlimited text for $45/month + taxes. Locked in for 2 years, so I got an S4 for my son.
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