lets talk about mobile voice/data plans

Go with Wind Mobile, the prices are very competitive and you get good value for money. Hell they now have unlimited US roaming for voice and Data. don't listen to people complaining about service glitches, its only going to get better. If you stick around GTA area most of the time then you got nothing to worry about, otherwise they have fairly cheap roaming rates as well.

100% Nopes. Coming from a Wind Mobile user now.
The coverage areas are spotty even in the GTA (I'm in mississauga). 4G connection (about as slow as my iPhone 4s), not LTE speeds (perfect streaming), and garbage call quality indoors.

You definitely get what you pay for with Wind.

Works for some. I dislike it very much.
100% Nopes. Coming from a Wind Mobile user now.
The coverage areas are spotty even in the GTA (I'm in mississauga). 4G connection (about as slow as my iPhone 4s), not LTE speeds (perfect streaming), and garbage call quality indoors.

You definitely get what you pay for with Wind.

Works for some. I dislike it very much.
Wind worked fine for me but riding in new areas was an issue
for the people that asked:

can't just say you work for a company, due to the fact that we ask for employee ID# and work email minimum. which is, in my opinion, better. it would be unfair if people were receiving employee priced discount even if they aren't an employee. that's just some shady stuff.

and for ht eothers who asked, EPP = Employee Pricing Plan. each company, depending on how big the corporation is, will always have an EPP for their company. all banks have them, certain car dealerships, teachers, dr's and nurses. anyone who works for the city. they'll all get EPP.

my first few questions will always be, "where do you work?" or "who do you work for?" to qualify them on EPP's.
my first few questions will always be, "where do you work?" or "who do you work for?" to qualify them on EPP's.

I had a phone through EPP and I was able to continue with the plan after leaving the company, but not able to get another phone/make any modifications to the plan or I would be bumped to the common folk plans. I suppose I could have had the plan admin within the company help me out, but the savings aren't large enough to risk peoples jobs over.
Is it hard to setup an EPP? I have about 30 employees that work for me. I just went on all the major telecom's website and wanted to hurl after I saw what they charge. It's only 120% of what I pay right now with WIND.

Data costs almost nothing for these companies and they charge arm and leg for it... disgusting.
Even with the poor reviews for WIND, I'm considering making that switch. It'll cut my currect mobile bill in half and, since I have wifi at work and home, I really don't care much about coverage (I don't generally use my phone when I'm out riding and stuff).

I suppose, if one just needs a cell number and uses the phone occasionally, WIND is the way to go. If you're married to your mobile, Bell and Rogers are the ticket.
I suppose, if one just needs a cell number and uses the phone occasionally, WIND is the way to go. If you're married to your mobile, Bell and Rogers are the ticket.

I disagree, even though I barely use my phone I want to have service when I need it. What good is CAA if I can't call them?

I left Rogers because even though they cover a large area, koodo's coverage area is even larger.

If you never leave the GTA, Wind might be for you, otherwise you will always be roaming.
I disagree, even though I barely use my phone I want to have service when I need it. What good is CAA if I can't call them?

I left Rogers because even though they cover a large area, koodo's coverage area is even larger.

If you never leave the GTA, Wind might be for you, otherwise you will always be roaming.

Actually you can go roaming on wind and make calls. I did 50 min roaming last month in wind away (no data) and it was still cheaper than it would have been if I had been with one of the other providers.
Even with the poor reviews for WIND, I'm considering making that switch. It'll cut my currect mobile bill in half and, since I have wifi at work and home, I really don't care much about coverage (I don't generally use my phone when I'm out riding and stuff).

I suppose, if one just needs a cell number and uses the phone occasionally, WIND is the way to go. If you're married to your mobile, Bell and Rogers are the ticket.
Your logic makes no sense to me. You say you don't need coverage at home/work because you're covered by other means so you're going to get a phone that only works on the city where you're most likely to be at home or work?

Only reason I have a data plan is for using it on the road/outside the city. Why get a phone with data that only works where I already have wifi?
Even with the poor reviews for WIND, I'm considering making that switch. It'll cut my currect mobile bill in half and, since I have wifi at work and home, I really don't care much about coverage (I don't generally use my phone when I'm out riding and stuff).

I suppose, if one just needs a cell number and uses the phone occasionally, WIND is the way to go. If you're married to your mobile, Bell and Rogers are the ticket.
Wind only offers complete packages, so it doesn't make sense for light users to go with them. Might as well sign up with one of the big 3 providers and get reliable service, but less of it, since they'll never use it all up.

IMO Wind only makes sense if you're a heavy user, you use the phone primarily in their metro areas, and you don't mind a bit of unreliability for the sake of saving $.
Actually you can go roaming on wind and make calls. I did 50 min roaming last month in wind away (no data) and it was still cheaper than it would have been if I had been with one of the other providers.

And even then, Wind roams on the Rogers network, or so I hear. I've been to a lot of cottages and other not really remote areas that have no Rogers coverage -- they do, however, have bell or telus coverage, so I've had the best coverage so far with Koodo.
Your logic makes no sense to me. You say you don't need coverage at home/work because you're covered by other means so you're going to get a phone that only works on the city where you're most likely to be at home or work?

Only reason I have a data plan is for using it on the road/outside the city. Why get a phone with data that only works where I already have wifi?

I'd like to point out that, when I'm out and about on the bike or with the kids, my phone's ability to surf porn is the least of my worries; it's about priorities. I like my smart phone, but I'm not a slave to it. I can't download a video of a horse with a hula hoop at LTE speeds? Somehow, I'll survive.

I will need to look into some of Bell's and Rogers lower cost offerings though. I've taken a look at my usage over the last year and it really doesn't justify the $85 I'm paying through Bell.
I'd like to point out that, when I'm out and about on the bike or with the kids, my phone's ability to surf porn is the least of my worries; it's about priorities. I like my smart phone, but I'm not a slave to it. I can't download a video of a horse with a hula hoop at LTE speeds? Somehow, I'll survive.

I will need to look into some of Bell's and Rogers lower cost offerings though. I've taken a look at my usage over the last year and it really doesn't justify the $85 I'm paying through Bell.

I think you will do fine with WIND.

As for me, someone who wants to stream a music video or music in general while I'm driving, WIND is terrible.
Oh.. next time you're in Niagara with the kids and your WIND phone switches to roaming. you've been forewarned.
I'd like to point out that, when I'm out and about on the bike or with the kids, my phone's ability to surf porn is the least of my worries; it's about priorities. I like my smart phone, but I'm not a slave to it. I can't download a video of a horse with a hula hoop at LTE speeds? Somehow, I'll survive.

I will need to look into some of Bell's and Rogers lower cost offerings though. I've taken a look at my usage over the last year and it really doesn't justify the $85 I'm paying through Bell.
So why get Wind with it's unlimited data if you don't use it, then? I still don't get it. I pay under $60/month on Telus.

You'd still likely get LTE speeds outside the Wind area. You'll just be billed for it. Apparently it roams on Rogers network which is also lacking. Then again, I travel the country. Coworker keeps getting notices on his Rogers phone saying he's roaming on Bell at $0.90/minute.
If you're with Wind you're roaming with Rogers, what's wrong with that? You can still make that life threatening call.

I'm going with Wind next year January. Its getting closer & I'm excited. I've been with Robbers since 2002
I was with wind and it was good for a while then suddenly it went for a crap, could barely keep connected, so I went to Rogers, 48 a month, 5 gb data, unlimited calling, text, picture and video messaging Canada wide, no extra fees just taxes, comes to 54 with tax
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I was with wind and it was good for a while then suddenly it went for a crap, could barely keep connected, so I went to Rogers, 48 a month, 5 gb data, unlimited calling, text, picture and video messaging Canada wide, no extra fees just taxes, congress to 54 with tax

That sounds like a solid deal. Is that advertised anywhere or you gotta work for it?
Gotta say, after looking over the plans available (was thinking about the iPhone 6+) I am generally appalled. Definitely not in a hurry. Question for TekNinja81: Is there a best time of year to sign up?
So why get Wind with it's unlimited data if you don't use it, then? I still don't get it. I pay under $60/month on Telus.

Because the WIND $35 would give me all I need. It has data, that's not bad because I use Whatsapp quite a bit with American friends and for planning trips.

The mobile phone business is really interesting; I've never seen a piece of technology take over peoples time the way smart phones have over the last 5 years. I remember going to a restaurant with family and friends years ago and just having a great conversation. Now, everyone's on their effing phone and so is everyone else in the building. I laugh at those new Subaru commercials because it's a pretty accurate reflection of most of the people who live in the GTA. For example, Dresdan wrote "As for me, someone who wants to stream a music video or music in general while I'm driving, WIND is terrible." Heaven forbid you drive your car without a phone in your hand while surfing videos. And you can't stream at LTE speeds? Oh the horror, oh the humanity. Lol.

I'm just making fun at how these smart phones have made us dumber. The mobile phone market has people hooked and are jacking up the price every year for a service many believe to be most essential. My 15 year honestly doesn't know how the world functioned before the smart phone was invented; "what, you guys just talked?". Lol, yup.
I'm in a unique situation here and are looking for any recommendations.
I have an employee who lives in the UK and travels to our Toronto office on occasions.
He wants a GTA telephone number but the ability to use the phone wherever / whenever.
Rogers ONLY offers roaming plans on a monthly basis. As this phone is roaming almost the time, applying roaming packages on a monthly basis isn't really an option.
I need a phone plan that gives me a decent roaming rate in the UK all the time.
If anyone has suggestions, please pass them along.

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