Lee Parks and Total Control are coming to Ontario

I am very happy to hear that everyone who attended had a great time. It was great to meet everyone and I will be back in the area again!
Hi Jen! (I think I am coming back again in a few weeks, but keep it a secret! ;-)

Hey Dave it's George (the guy who could slow down a bit).

Come back for July 8th Level 2!!!

Your feedback is needed lol.
So who has signed up for the July 7th Level I or the July 8th level II??????
I'll be there on the 8th with my buddy ( on the green Z1000)

Good to know we'll have top notch instruction!
So some familiar faces will be back! :-) I am looking forward to being there again as well!
Sorry for the wait, but I finally have some (crappy) pics.

Speaking of pics - supposedly the low res ones will be on the site ... soon ... maybe ... perhaps? Anyone got any info on that please? :)




I taught a level II just outside Baltimore Maryland Saturday (Rode 400 miles Friday Night to get to my sisters) Classs went really well but not one Jap or American Bike, Two BMW's, Two Trimuphs and a KTM (Was a small class)

Looking forward to coming up to Toronto for the level I & II in a couple weeks!
Is this course worthwhile for someone who has taken FAST Phase 2 and can drag a knee already, or would it be too repetitive?
Is this course worthwhile for someone who has taken FAST Phase 2 and can drag a knee already, or would it be too repetitive?

I have had several people who do track days and some racers take the class to help them improve and work out details in body position, vision and lines. There is always somethig to learn and room for improvement. New Ways of Thinking.
I have had several people who do track days and some racers take the class to help them improve and work out details in body position, vision and lines. There is always somethig to learn and room for improvement. New Ways of Thinking.

okay, thanks!
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