my last 2 leaf jerseys are knock offs
Fitting, since the leafs are a knock off of the leafs of old

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my last 2 leaf jerseys are knock offs
I hear what you're saying Fin..but one player doesn't make a team..or two players.. The line is extremely fine between winning and losing. Tampa won the cup and had almost every player in the lineup and lost in the first round the next. Same with Ottawa..4 straight to Pitt. Montreal made a run to the conference finals..then dropped like a rock. Most of the players were still there. It's coaching, confidence, luck, injuries. The draft too is more important now for sure. Edmonton has been drafting high lately..they're stockpiling players..but they're still stuck in the basement. I suspect they'll do well shortly with the number of high first-rounders they've been drafting..but they still need the other ingredients as well. There's really no easy answer unfortunately.
Blind loyalty to a faceless corporation disguised as regional pride. The corporation knows it doesn't need to offer its fans anything, not even a decently performing team because they'll still be making a killing off the suckers who pay through all of their orifices for overpriced tickets, junk food and Made in China merchandise. As long as the fans are stupid enough to be ripped off on that scale, MLE will continue fleecing them without offering anything in return. That's why I'm boycotting them and encouraging others to do so for as long as they continue raping the fans up the rectum. We're not talking about European clubs with deep ties to the community that go way back in history. We're talking about a for-profit corporation with a licence to print money due to fan stupidity.
this actually makes no sense...
the corporation hires a GM to run the team... the team makes the playoffs, the corporation makes more money. Its in their best interest to put together a winning product. They just haven't because the leafs suck and management has made some quesitonable decessions.
blaming MLSE for the leafs woes is like blaming the gun for killing people.
yes, the fans follow blindly, but that doesn't mean MLSE isn't trying to put together a quality product.
This all falls on Burke IMO. He's had 4 yeras to turn it around, he hasn't.
and IIRC, Burke said he would still redo that trade, even if he knew that Leaf draft pick would be Seguin.....phh!
Disclaimer: not a huge sports follower. But I can see the appeal of wanting to take one's family downtown to have a special night and see a game, whether it be hockey, baseball, whatever. I'd be far more forgiving of the Leafs and their dismal record if it was at least *somewhat* affordable for the average joe to see a game. At least with baseball it's still doable to casually spend a summer afternoon at the dome (just as long as you don't get fleeced buying beer!).
He's off his rocker then, he's only saying that to save face.
At the time it was a gamble, doing that deal today with the facts on the table you would have to be complete loonie to pull the trigger.
If you were the GM of TML today would you trade Sequin and a 1st rounder for Kessel?
Good luck with that! Season's tickets has a waiting list of like 7 years..
I hear ya. And not to argue against the cost factor, but they charge what people will pay. I remember when they raised ticket prices and everyone said "How can they do that!!" Well, people pay it. They still sell out nearly every game. So price-wise, I don't blame them. Putting together a good team? Well..that's the Toronto Sports Virus sucking the life out of them..![]()
Very true. And I guess that just circles back to the argument that Leafs fans are incredibly stupid.![]()
I like to think I'm incredibly optimistic! I've also been told I don't have a good grip on reality. But at least I no longer think maybe this millennium they will make the playoffs....
Disclaimer: not a huge sports follower. But I can see the appeal of wanting to take one's family downtown to have a special night and see a game, whether it be hockey, baseball, whatever. I'd be far more forgiving of the Leafs and their dismal record if it was at least *somewhat* affordable for the average joe to see a game. At least with baseball it's still doable to casually spend a summer afternoon at the dome (just as long as you don't get fleeced buying beer!).