Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
I was thinking that the others might be a little slow to roll as backup, if the thief was the primary on a call, but you get the idea. He'd also have trouble finding someone who wanted to partner with him.
Thats great stuff.. I love it.

[h=1]Winnipeg seniors claim they were issued a ticket for non-existent cellphone[/h]

By Jordana Divon | Daily Brew – 20 hours ago

Laszlo Piszker and his wife, Margaret, were pulled over by two Winnipeg police officers.At age 74, Winnipeg resident Laszlo Piszker had always gotten by without a cellphone, and he had no plans to change that either.
So when he and his wife got pulled over by police after lunch, the retired machinist was surprised to hear the reason.
"I (said) to him, 'What's the matter?' He says, 'We've been seeing you on the phone,'" Piszker told CTV Winnipeg. "I said, 'Don't try to kid me… I don't even have a (cellphone)."
According to the Manitoba Highway Traffic Act, using a hand-operated electronic device while driving is prohibited. That's provided, however, that there's a hand-operated electronic device in the vehicle.
Not so much for the Piszkers. No cellphone, no Internet, not even an answering machine for the technology-averse couple, who urged the officers to search their car for evidence of a phone.
Piszker said while the officers weren't particularly interested in a search, they appeared very interested in handing him a ticket for $199.80.
But when they offered him the pricy printout, Piszker initially refused to take it. That's when the situation escalated. He said an officer threatened to arrest him if he didn't accept the ticket.
Piszker's wife, Margaret, 72, later told the Winnipeg Free Press that police had made room in the cell for her, too.
"I was trying to tell the officer that Laszlo just doesn't have a phone and the other officer just starts yelling at me. 'Shut up,' he says. 'Get back in the car or I'll arrest you too,' she recalled to the paper.
"He was nasty. That's when I told Laszlo to just take the ticket."
The Piszkers said they believe they were victims of a police ticket quota and plan to fight the charge in court. If necessary, they will call in lifelong friends to testify the couple has never owned a cellphone.
After the Free Press ran their story about the Piszkers, the paper said they received a deluge of commentary and messages of outrage, much of which centred around what locals believe to be a concerted campaign by city police to target drivers.
Businessman Rick McKenzie told the paper he received a similar ticket last fall even though his cellphone's dead battery was clearly lying in view on the passenger seat.
"I told the officer I couldn't have been using my cellphone because the battery is dead," McKenzie said. "It's unbelievable. "What they did to (Laszlo Piszker) is just ridiculous."
Several months ago, a pair of non-profit groups teamed up to protest a photo radar speed trap at a Winnipeg intersection that they allege was issuing faulty tickets.
Asked about the incident at their Monday morning press conference, police declined to comment.
"I'm not going to be able to comment specifically on that case or any cases that are before the courts," Const. Natalie Aitken, spokeswoman for the Winnipeg Police Service, said.
Margaret, on the other hand, was more forthcoming about the couple's plans.

"It's been a terrible day, but it's something we had to do," she said. "You have to stand up for your rights, don't you?"

reports like this from normal people are hard to ignore that there are problems that need to be cleaned up in our police forces.
stuff like this should just not be happening.

that fact that it is says something about how poorly our system has degenerated.
stuff like this should just not be happening.

that fact that it is says something about how poorly our system has degenerated.

You say that as though there was a time when this type of thing never happened. When was that?
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

To me, (if this is a true story) it shows an utter disregard for the laws that are put in place to do some good.

A HTA ticket for cell phones in a drive-thru. Absurd. Either he DOESN'T know the law (scary), or he willfully overlooked it to "teach someone a lesson" (even scarier).

Seems like we have one of GTAM's own that just got a ticket for using a cell phone in a timmies drivethru, I will let him decide if he wants to reply to this thread about it... He is the shy and bashfull type :cool:
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?


Yes, it was me..

Responding to an email in the Drivethru Queue,, Officer Sexypants dinged me!

My ability, I had to bite my tongue several times, not out of anger, but out,,,, Attraction???

WTF does a guy have to do to incur some police brutality these days???
You say that as though there was a time when this type of thing never happened.

You say that as though because things like that happened in the past and cops got away with it (because there was less scruitiny back then) , it should continue on as status quo, and people have no right to complain.
You say that as though because things like that happened in the past and cops got away with it (because there was less scruitiny back then) , it should continue on as status quo, and people have no right to complain.

Noooo, no. People should complain and the problem should be fought, it's the "poorly degenrated system" part that I disagree with. Not that everything's hunky-dory but people seem to lack perspective on these things and we tend to conclude that we are worse off then ever, even though the problem may be less severe than it was. kind of like an extension of the old woe-be-me syndrome.

But no, we should remain vigilant and defend ourselves against the abuse of power by cops. In fact I don't think the problem will ever disappear; we will be fighting this battle forever to a greater or lesser degree.
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In fact I don't think the problem will ever disappear; we will be fighting this battle forever to a greater or lesser degree.

Humans have demonstrated time and time again when you give one group power over others they will abuse it for personal or monetary gain. As long as Officers feel they are above the law they will act accordingly.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

Seems like we have one of GTAM's own that just got a ticket for using a cell phone in a timmies drivethru, I will let him decide if he wants to reply to this thread about it... He is the shy and bashfull type :cool:

Its the new police fuel savings program. Set up ticket stops at Timmy's so they don't have to drive anywhere. The Timmy's patrol. look out.
You say that as though there was a time when this type of thing never happened. When was that?

sorry, i guess i'm too much of an idealist...i used to trust cops carte blance...
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