Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

If they put the same amount of effort in protecting our soldiers over seas in combat as they do protecting world leaders at an unneccessary photo op we wouldn't have to keep bringing back our youth in caskets.

But then we can't designate new roads as "hero routes" so we all feel better about our boys dying in an unnecessary war (now officially the longest in US history! way to go?).
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

if they put the same amount of effort in protecting our soldiers over seas in combat as they do protecting world leaders at an unneccessary photo op we wouldn't have to keep bringing back our youth in caskets.

Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

What a farce. Everyday, new stuff comes out and again and again one can only shake his/her head. I am really seeing stuff I thought is only possible in countries run by communists or dictators. Now I am finding out that they looked like amateurs as far as certain things are concerned when compared to highly democratic Canada. Talk about reality check ....
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

179 Million for a 2 day event. Wow. You know there's something wrong when you have a small army following around these global government assemblies. I hope I don't have to work that weekend, it's going to be a friggin' zoo, or a war zone.

It's funny how the $ figures went from 179 million, into the billions by the time it was said and done. :lol:

Just watching the news here, they are starting to publish a breakdown of all the spending.
Do i need to tell you there's a whole bunch of fishy business going on and 750million unaccounted for so far. :confused1:
Somehow the managed to spend 333k on bug spray, repellent and hand sanitizer.
Are you friggin kidding me? We have to pay for that?
I think i could butter every citizen in Canada for that amount!

We really need to stop acting like sheeple and start questioning what our money is being wasted on.
Totally ridiculous and an outrage to say the least, we have millions of other things we could have better spent the cash on.

Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

We really need to stop acting like sheeple

We should be like the First Nations, stick together and scream bloody murder, and then we'd get stuff going our way.
With any luck, and more boat people, we will be the new First Nation sooner rather than later. Cheque please!
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

It was a clear and simple test case of toronto and it citizens being used in a war measures act experiment/scenerio. Lying eyes Harper and Mcsquinty, also police chief blair and the rest of us including myself are all to blame in varying degrees. The leaders for actually getting away with the expense and star chamber tactics of their stasi police state. We the citizens for going along with and condoning the corrupt heavy handed police. Also sitting back and watching our charter rights and freedoms being circumvented in the name of safety/security. To quote the simpsons and you can laugh and flame if you want but milhouse said it best, " sure we have freedom ,but at what cost?"
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

i can't understand these people with power "T.O police chief". it's like a kid getting caught with there hand in the cookie jar, but yet they still stand and lie straight faced. what i find more insulting than the way g20 was handled, is for the top brass of the province to think the public is that stupid about there involvement in this whole senario.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Love how Mc Fibber timed his press conference yesterday so he couldn't comment on Andre Marin's press conference as it was still in progress, then he ducked and ran later in the day after it was finished so he wouldn't have to answer questions. The Man is a weasel.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Love how Mc Fibber timed his press conference yesterday so he couldn't comment on Andre Marin's press conference as it was still in progress, then he ducked and ran later in the day after it was finished so he wouldn't have to answer questions. The Man is a weasel.

He is a weasel indeed...Although would you really expect any other politician to do it differently? If anything it is the one consistent thing in Canada both provincial and federal is that they duck and run from all scandal.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

It was a clear and simple test case of toronto and it citizens being used in a war measures act experiment/scenerio. Lying eyes Harper and Mcsquinty, also police chief blair and the rest of us including myself are all to blame in varying degrees. The leaders for actually getting away with the expense and star chamber tactics of their stasi police state. We the citizens for going along with and condoning the corrupt heavy handed police. Also sitting back and watching our charter rights and freedoms being circumvented in the name of safety/security. To quote the simpsons and you can laugh and flame if you want but milhouse said it best, " sure we have freedom ,but at what cost?"

speak for yourself. . .

there were voices here, myself included, who railed against this b.s. from the beginning. . .to no avail.

the apologists and blind law-and-order zealots on this site seemed to make it a personal goal to shout down anyone who dared challenge the authoritity of the police to violate our civil rights and liberties.

i'd love to see a huge slice of humble pie jammed in their craw. . .

btw, perhaps mayor ford should take back his statement that all of the protestors got what they deserved. . .that'd be a good start
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

speak for yourself. . .

there were voices here, myself included, who railed against this b.s. from the beginning. . .to no avail.

the apologists and blind law-and-order zealots on this site seemed to make it a personal goal to shout down anyone who dared challenge the authoritity of the police to violate our civil rights and liberties.

i'd love to see a huge slice of humble pie jammed in their craw. . .

btw, perhaps mayor ford should take back his statement that all of the protestors got what they deserved. . .that'd be a good start

Im looking forward to a formal apology from someone in the Liberal party. Plenty of people with their tail between their legs. The looks on the MPP's faces during yesterdays parliament session was surreal. Haven't seen looks like that since high school.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Im looking forward to a formal apology from someone in the Liberal party. Plenty of people with their tail between their legs. The looks on the MPP's faces during yesterdays parliament session was surreal. Haven't seen looks like that since high school.

why stop there? no question the feds and harper are also complicit. they need to come clean and perform a very public mea culpa for their role and for putting the g20 in the middle of the most populated region of canada. stupid decision by harper, from the start
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Im looking forward to a formal apology from someone in the Liberal party. Plenty of people with their tail between their legs. The looks on the MPP's faces during yesterdays parliament session was surreal. Haven't seen looks like that since high school.

All that shame and there will be zero net results. Voting taxpayer-consumer sheep have very short memories.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

All that shame and there will be zero net results. Voting taxpayer-consumer sheep have very short memories.

i hope you're wrong. . .

let's start with harper and roll all the way down to blair

this week's photos and videos probably won't be the last. would also like to know what evidence the police photographers and videographers are sitting on. . .
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

would also like to know what evidence the police photographers and videographers are sitting on. . .

Mostly their ununiformed colleagues posing without uniform after/while setting shops/police cruisers on fire.
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