Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

1105 arrests that weekend. . .

700 released without charge
315 charges dropped or stayed

why? because they knew that civil rights and liberties had been violated, and the flimsy arrests could not stand. a naked abuse of powers.

just how many of the actual black bloc got arrested? yeah, i thought so.

what needs to happen now is a massive class action lawsuit against the people responsible. . .hit them in their pocketbooks, make police services and governments think twice before releasing goon squads into the streets against law abiding citizens, exercising their right to protest.

the police services should be forced in court to provide evidence to justify these mass arrests, what reasonable or probable cause they had, etc. . . they will be found lacking. the results of the siu investigation(s) will undoubtedly provide additional ammunition for legal action against these criminals.

. . .looking forward to it
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I have a feeling that the police cars that were set on fire were used as sacrificial lambs to tarnish the image of the protesters. I'm sure if the maintenance records for those cars were obtained you would find that they were at the age where they were about to be decommissioned anyways. Besides that the damage and vandalism that occurs during Caribana makes G20 look pale in comparison.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I'm glad to see this is at least in the news, and the media are doing their job keeping this in the public eye. I thought this would die down and disappear by now. Hopefully the groundswell will continue to grow. We need at least one resignation (Blair), and then a public inquiry and possibly a class action suit.

In future, our politicians need to know that this won't fly. This was an experiment to see what they could get away with. They need to know where the citizens draw the line.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I'm glad to see this is at least in the news, and the media are doing their job keeping this in the public eye. I thought this would die down and disappear by now. Hopefully the groundswell will continue to grow. We need at least one resignation (Blair), and then a public inquiry and possibly a class action suit.

In future, our politicians need to know that this won't fly. This was an experiment to see what they could get away with. They need to know where the citizens draw the line.

i dunno, there are lots and lots of people who want this to go away. starting with harper. starting with a whole lot of apologists in this thread (and others) who have magically disappeared, lol.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Been watching the student riots in Britain and Germany. Firm and unyielding dissenting works, peaceful demonstration doesn't do much of anything except cost the taxpayer money. I think that's the message I'm getting. Watching them kettle the cops and force them to put down their batons is a real treat, especially by the English kids telling them that the cops work for them and that they've been judged by a group of their peers, just like a jury in a court room.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Been watching the student riots in Britain and Germany. Firm and unyielding dissenting works, peaceful demonstration doesn't do much of anything except cost the taxpayer money. I think that's the message I'm getting. Watching them kettle the cops and force them to put down their batons is a real treat, especially by the English kids telling them that the cops work for them and that they've been judged by a group of their peers, just like a jury in a court room.

Ding ding ding ding... there's a winner.

Holdin' hands, singing songs protesting does nothing only get you laughed at by the guys with the batons.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Here's todays winner.
And my favorite quote > The SIU singled out three of those officers, but they refused to give statements. None of the 12 other officers said they could identify the officers in the video.

I'm pretty tempted to dig up some of the previous posts so i can say "In your face!" now.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Isn't this the same police force that complained that no-one would come forward to testify against gang members in the case of the murder of Ephraim Brown? For the last three years the police have been lamenting that there were many people at that birthday party, but only one person was willing to come forward and testify against a gang member. The police said that it was "the right thing to do", and that it was this kind of unwillingness to testify that perpetuates violence in certain communities. The police have said that coming forward to testify against one's own community was difficult, but important in achieving justice and change. They told witnesses not to feel intimidated, that they would be protected and kept safe from reprisals.

Are police so worried about reprisals from their own "community", that they feel even less safe coming forward to testify?

Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

You know what the biggest gang in the world does to snitches and rats.. And remember that the law only applies to those who don't have guns/badges/union lawyers :cool:
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

News at 6 reporting the piece of ____ got charged with assault. Identified by a fellow cop..........probably one that can't stand him.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

One TPS cop has been charged, assault with a weapon in the Adam Nobody beating from the G20.
It's not much but it's something. Watch the evidence be inconclusive.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

One TPS cop has been charged, assault with a weapon in the Adam Nobody beating from the G20.
It's not much but it's something. Watch the evidence be inconclusive.

Probably off on 11b because the Crown will take 9 years preparing a simple assault case :cool:
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

one charge, after all of that mayhem and malfeasance. . .

i guess losing the trust of the public is not a big deal for the tps.

i'm guessing this officer drew the short straw and will fall on his sword for his countless buddies who did the same, or worse.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

You know what the biggest gang in the world does to snitches and rats.. And remember that the law only applies to those who don't have guns/badges/union lawyers :cool:

The law also does not apply to the politically connected. Durham residents might have heard that a regional councilor Roger Anderson was pulled over by the DRPS for erratic driving.

Durham cop who triggered Anderson traffic stop investigated

December 08, 2010
DURHAM -- An investigation has been launched into the actions of an off-duty cop whose anonymous 911 call led to a traffic stop involving Durham Region Chairman Roger Anderson.
Durham police aren't commenting on the matter, but several sources have confirmed the officer is being investigated for two possible offences under the Police Services Act.
The internal probe, launched after the Nov. 12 traffic stop, is raising questions among rank-and-file officers, said Mike Glennie, president of the Durham Regional Police Association.
"Is this being investigated because of the prominence or position of the person who got stopped?" he questioned.
Durham police Chief Mike Ewles is on leave and unavailable for comment. Police spokesman Dave Selby flatly rejected any suggestion the service would be influenced to investigate the actions of an officer.
"To suggest the chief was ordered by anybody is impossible," Mr. Selby said.
He added the service has a policy not to comment on internal investigations, unless charges are laid under the Police Services Act.
"We would never talk about an investigation involving an employee," Mr. Selby said.
Mr. Anderson, who as regional chairman sits on Durham's Police Services Board, did not respond to a request for comment. But shortly after the incident, he told This Week's Keith Gilligan the stop had indeed occurred, and that he had been allowed to drive away from the scene without being charged.
Mr. Anderson said the cops he dealt with were "very professional" during the stop in Whitby.
Sources said the stop was initiated after an off-duty officer placed a 911 call to report erratic driving. An officer in a marked Durham cruiser pulled Mr. Anderson's car over. The off-duty cop checked in at the scene of the traffic stop, Mr. Glennie said.
Mr. Glennie confirmed that officer is now being investigated for two possible offences: neglect of duty, for failing to identify himself as a cop during the 911 call, and breach of confidence, for allegedly informing others, including the media, about the incident.
It's well known Mr. Anderson has a testy relationship with Durham officers, with whom he's clashed over contract negotiations in the past. But Mr. Glennie rejected any suggestion the Nov. 12 traffic stop was a targeted action by officers.
"Nobody has it in for Roger," he said.
There's no suggestion officers acted improperly in initiating the traffic stop, Mr. Glennie said.

So, either the cop was abusing his position of authority or Anderson got a walk because of who he is? Rahim Jaffer all over again.


Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

remember the show city on line, it use to be a call in live tv show.
well one day hitler aka bill blair was on the show. i called in and ask him " what the police chef was planning on doing about all the police corruption? was he going to do something about it or was he waiting for a vigilantly to take care of the problem."
the phone line was instanly cut. and i watch him song and dance around the question.
this was at least 6 months before g20.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I hope everyone of you who are so critical of the police never need them and if you do they don't show up. Armchair quarterbacks.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I hope everyone of you who are so critical of the police never need them and if you do they don't show up. Armchair quarterbacks.

I really hope you're not defending the actions of those bad apples that cast a negative light on your profession, like the ones who beat up on people who didn't pose a threat (personal experience, but not in Canada), those who destroyed private property (personal experience IN Canada), those who dressed up as black bloc and tried to incite people into rioting (not personal experience, but it was a confirmed event in Quebec City), etc etc etc..
All we want is proper service in return for our tax dollars. That includes certain checks and balances to make sure that the bad apples get removed from the basket and some accountability on the politicians' end in how they utilize the police services that we pay for.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I really hope you're not defending the actions of those bad apples that cast a negative light on your profession, like the ones who beat up on people who didn't pose a threat (personal experience, but not in Canada), those who destroyed private property (personal experience IN Canada), those who dressed up as black bloc and tried to incite people into rioting (not personal experience, but it was a confirmed event in Quebec City), etc etc etc..
All we want is proper service in return for our tax dollars. That includes certain checks and balances to make sure that the bad apples get removed from the basket and some accountability on the politicians' end in how they utilize the police services that we pay for.

To logical and obvious.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I hope everyone of you who are so critical of the police never need them and if you do they don't show up. Armchair quarterbacks.
We pay the police very well for the small amount of work they actually do. It is not too much ask that it be done in a professional manor and to standards that have long been in place.
The real work a cop does is judge what is an appropriate response to what is going on in front of him/her.
If some of them can't respond appropriately then they need to be disiplined of fired.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

We pay the police very well for the small amount of work they actually do. It is not too much ask that it be done in a professional manor and to standards that have long been in place.
The real work a cop does is judge what is an appropriate response to what is going on in front of him/her.
If some of them can't respond appropriately then they need to be disiplined of fired.

The small amount of work they actually do eh?
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