Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
There was a case ~15 years ago from Barrie. A kid had his dad's Corvette? Or maybe a Cadliac out for a joy ride on Highway 26 at like 3am . A westbound cop got him with moving radar as he was driving east doing 120km/h + somewhere near Minesing.

Cop spun around and Finally caught up to the kid pretty much in Barrie. Kid was charged and when it made it to court the charges were thrown out because the cop lost sight of the car when he turned around and in a few of the dips and turns along 26. Judge said because the cop lost sight of the car, they couldn't be certain it was the same car. Completely ignoring the fact that at 3am they were the only two cars on the road.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the kid turned out to be the son of the local OPP detachment, but I'm sure that had nothing to do with it.
I caught a lucky break a few years back. I was riding with a group, 3 of us up front went for a ceremonial romp past the site where we lost a friend the year before. OPP got us… but by the time they turned around the other 6 bikes were back in formation with us. They didn’t know which bikes were running a bit fast… we got a good talking to then sent on our way.
Disclaimer, I may have to do more research as I may be a little drunk, but....
Met up with an old buddy who is a parking enforcement officer. He was telling me that they get a yearly list of who wrote how many tickets.
He himself wrote out just over $1m while the top guy wrote $3.2m.
If true, Toronto is getting their money's worth.
As of May 18, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Parking Enforcement in Ontario is $17.69 an hour.
Do I believe him, or maybe too much beer led to embellishment?
In 2021, the City of Toronto issued 1,479,644 parking violation notices.
Based on the volume of tickets issued in 2023, the city could see an additional $62 million in revenue as a result of the increased fines, though staff expect that actual revenue would be somewhere between $40 and $50 million.
Disclaimer, I may have to do more research as I may be a little drunk, but....
Met up with an old buddy who is a parking enforcement officer. He was telling me that they get a yearly list of who wrote how many tickets.
He himself wrote out just over $1m while the top guy wrote $3.2m.
If true, Toronto is getting their money's worth.
As of May 18, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Parking Enforcement in Ontario is $17.69 an hour.
Do I believe him, or maybe too much beer led to embellishment?
In 2021, the City of Toronto issued 1,479,644 parking violation notices.
Based on the volume of tickets issued in 2023, the city could see an additional $62 million in revenue as a result of the increased fines, though staff expect that actual revenue would be somewhere between $40 and $50 million.
Parking enforcement officers make $40/hr. There were 17 of them on the Sunshine list from Toronto this year. Each officer likely costs the city $200k+year with benefits, vehicle support and overhead costs.
Disclaimer, I may have to do more research as I may be a little drunk, but....
Met up with an old buddy who is a parking enforcement officer. He was telling me that they get a yearly list of who wrote how many tickets.
He himself wrote out just over $1m while the top guy wrote $3.2m.
If true, Toronto is getting their money's worth.
As of May 18, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Parking Enforcement in Ontario is $17.69 an hour.
Do I believe him, or maybe too much beer led to embellishment?
In 2021, the City of Toronto issued 1,479,644 parking violation notices.
Based on the volume of tickets issued in 2023, the city could see an additional $62 million in revenue as a result of the increased fines, though staff expect that actual revenue would be somewhere between $40 and $50 million.
There is a lot of stupidity around parking tickets and delivery services. I know a driver for a delivery service that would get many tickets a day as corporate policy was stop at closest location and ignore signs. Drop the tickets off at the office. Every week someone from the office goes to the wicket with five or six figures of parking tickets. They make the city a settlement offer of four figures and city accepts. Apparently delivery company threatened to take their thousands of tickets to court otherwise which would bung up the system completely. It's all a game.
As of May 18, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Parking Enforcement in Ontario is $17.69 an hour.
^^Little more digging.^^
$17.69 is the Ontario average. You have some small towns that Parking Enforcement is part time gig. 10 - 20 hours a week.
Parking enforcement officers make $40/hr. There were 17 of them on the Sunshine list from Toronto this year. Each officer likely costs the city $200k+year with benefits, vehicle support and overhead costs.
I defiantly think @Mad Mike has the true cost for Toronto. Even on the sunshine list, the income from the tickets would more than cover expenses.
Parking enforcement officers make $40/hr. There were 17 of them on the Sunshine list from Toronto this year. Each officer likely costs the city $200k+year with benefits, vehicle support and overhead costs.
Many municipalities are subbing out their parking bylaw enforcement look for similar in the near future.
After some payoffs to union leadership its a good bump to the bottom line.
Is there literally ANYTHING that can keep criminals behind bars these days? Canada's 6th most wanted man. Highly dangerous, committing crimes in multiple cities, being observed in another criminal investigation, running from police.. all to be let back out within a few hours? Surprised police even waste the ink in their pens.

Is there literally ANYTHING that can keep criminals behind bars these days? Canada's 6th most wanted man. Highly dangerous, committing crimes in multiple cities, being observed in another criminal investigation, running from police.. all to be let back out within a few hours? Surprised police even waste the ink in their pens.

Was he let back out?
Some African and Indian communities take matters into their own hands...street justice!

Some African and Indian communities take matters into their own hands...street justice!


The two most recent incidents I saw of it were..
Two young men burned alive for stealing food.. and a 13 year old girl stoned to death.. for not staying with her "husband".
Most of the time.. the people administering that "justice" are committing a much worse crimes than the people they're killing are accused of.
More a reflection on the state of some people in our midst than the police. A 39 yo dirtbag tried to steal the purse of a 77 year old woman as she was sitting in the lobby at a police station. This is the definition of nowhere is safe. Woman got seriously injured and dirtbag is almostly certainly out on bail. Bail hearing was May 31, story came out today, terrible media coverage doesn't provide outcome of hearing (but we all know how 99% of them end up).


‘You have family members who have helped this go away’: Senior Toronto police officer accused of interfering with investigation of nephew’s crash.​

Maybe they should have mandatory alcohol testing in the event of an accident in Toronto.

‘You have family members who have helped this go away’: Senior Toronto police officer accused of interfering with investigation of nephew’s crash.​

Maybe they should have mandatory alcohol testing in the event of an accident in Toronto.
It's not the first time that we've heard about this. The story came out about it almost immediately after the incident. Took 2 years to be acted upon.
Another court failure. Hit and run causing death. Driver did everything she could to cover up the crime and judge said her only crime was failing to stop and she felt bad about it so he gave her a 12 month conditional sentence and two year driving ban. Absolutely appalling. At the very least, she has proven to have no moral character and should be prohibited from ever having a license as she will run again without a doubt.

Another court failure. Hit and run causing death. Driver did everything she could to cover up the crime and judge said her only crime was failing to stop and she felt bad about it so he gave her a 12 month conditional sentence and two year driving ban. Absolutely appalling. At the very least, she has proven to have no moral character and should be prohibited from ever having a license as she will run again without a doubt.

I don't know that deportation should be a consideration, when sentencing. The point of terms for migrants to remain in Canada is based on them not committing a crime that would warrant a sentence of a certain length, because that is an indication that they aren't the sort of person we want here. Basing a sentence on that criteria circumvents the very logic behind the Federal guidelines.
Another bad boat crash at night. This time the police crashed into another boat and seriously injured someone. SIU cloak of silence deployed.

The woman died. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I expect the blue line to be firmly in play.
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