Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
More stupidity from Police Tribunal. Cop was drinking and crashed their car and then reported it stolen to try to dodge blowback. Handed a one year demotion. F that nonsense. He is a criminal. He tried to cover up his crimes. He should be immediately terminated for cause. He's also on "medical" leave and his demotion won't take effect until he returns to work (which may be never). Holy crap is the system ever broken.

More stupidity from Police Tribunal. Cop was drinking and crashed their car and then reported it stolen to try to dodge blowback. Handed a one year demotion. F that nonsense. He is a criminal. He tried to cover up his crimes. He should be immediately terminated for cause. He's also on "medical" leave and his demotion won't take effect until he returns to work (which may be never). Holy crap is the system ever broken.

He should apply to YRP. They'll hire him with a higher rank than he held (previously) in Durham.
Union court injunction in 3.....2......1........

Union court injunction in 3.....2......1........

I see the unionnis still pushing for "if you aren't convicted in criminal court, you should be paid for time off and not fired". That position needs to be attacked until the union is a bloody pulp on the ground. There is no other job with that bar and police shouldn't have it either.
The wording of the “new” legislation is (purposely?) vague. “This will make it ‘easier’ to suspend officers without pay.” If that’s not lip service, I don’t know what is.
More stupidity from Police Tribunal. Cop was drinking and crashed their car and then reported it stolen to try to dodge blowback. Handed a one year demotion. F that nonsense. He is a criminal. He tried to cover up his crimes. He should be immediately terminated for cause. He's also on "medical" leave and his demotion won't take effect until he returns to work (which may be never). Holy crap is the system ever broken.

DUI = Criminal

Fraud = Criminal

Medical leave reminds me of a ne'er do well cousin who crashed his car in the country and walked back to town and reported it stolen.

February in Manitoba and the police asked him how he got the frostbite. Duh.
It doesn't look like she was jaywalking. When the camera car gets to the intersection the walk countdown is running, indicating that she likely had a walk signal when struck. I'd call that a rare incident, in Toronto, in which the pedestrian was legally in the crosswalk.

NOTE: No one seems to understand that it's illegal to enter the crosswalk when the walk signal has started flashing, likely because it's rarely if ever charged.
You can see the countdown hit 0 in the later part of the video. Toronto times countdowns at 3seconds + 1 second per m of crossing so it would be almost certain she made an illegal cross.
Should we leave our vehicles running with the heat on so the poor thieves don't have to drive away in a cold car too? This sort of stuff makes Canada a laughing stock on the world stage.
The message was poorly worded and American comedians have a new source of inspiration for “Canadian” jokes.

The point is to avoid a confrontation with an armed criminal. I do that by driving a cheap car. Porsche, Audi, BMW and MB take note. The cheapest anti theft device is a Kia sticker.

The scum balls don’t care if they shoot you or run over your spouse or kid in a carjacking.

It gets great airplay in the USA when an armed good guy shoots a thief but they don’t point out that for every such MAGA event armed criminals normally use their weapons on hundreds of innocents.

There is a circuitous connection between the car thieves and politicians. If you want 50% more protection you have to pay 75% more tax. Guess where the 25% goes.
The message was poorly worded and American comedians have a new source of inspiration for “Canadian” jokes.

The point is to avoid a confrontation with an armed criminal. I do that by driving a cheap car. Porsche, Audi, BMW and MB take note. The cheapest anti theft device is a Kia sticker.

The scum balls don’t care if they shoot you or run over your spouse or kid in a carjacking.

It gets great airplay in the USA when an armed good guy shoots a thief but they don’t point out that for every such MAGA event armed criminals normally use their weapons on hundreds of innocents.

There is a circuitous connection between the car thieves and politicians. If you want 50% more protection you have to pay 75% more tax. Guess where the 25% goes.
Agreed, the best thing to do is avoid conflict, the "people" doing this sort of crime are cowards with weapons. No sense on how to use them or the consequences. They are young and their head is filled with dreams of wealth at other expense. While I'd do my best to protect my belongings it will never be at the expense of my well being or my family's. When faced with a group of people in my home hopped on adrenalin and probably other things, I'd happily hand over the keys so they just leave. We've all heard the horror stories of what they are capable of if they decide to stay awhile.

Sadly, acting passive has consequences that this is a easy crime, so other will follow suit and the amount of break-ins will only continue to rise. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of scenario.
Agreed, the best thing to do is avoid conflict, the "people" doing this sort of crime are cowards with weapons. No sense on how to use them or the consequences. They are young and their head is filled with dreams of wealth at other expense. While I'd do my best to protect my belongings it will never be at the expense of my well being or my family's. When faced with a group of people in my home hopped on adrenalin and probably other things, I'd happily hand over the keys so they just leave. We've all heard the horror stories of what they are capable of if they decide to stay awhile.

Sadly, acting passive has consequences that this is a easy crime, so other will follow suit and the amount of break-ins will only continue to rise. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of scenario.
One problem is that adult criminals recruit juveniles to do the dirty work. I heard somewhere the thief got $1000 for a each car stolen. Not bad for an hour or two of effort.

The juveniles get the protection of the young offenders act and snitching on the adult is a no-no.

I understand the concept of the young offenders act but it has to be redefined. It's one thing to do something brash in a punch up over a girl etc but planned armed events require planning and careful execution. If you're smart enough to do that you get treated as an adult. Arrested, jailed, name published, details made public etc.

However the potential armed thief has to be shown options to his / her behavior prior to committing the crimes. Options like education and fair play.

Misappropriate a $100K car once in a while and get called a thief. Misappropriate $200 Million a day and get called prime minister.

Try explaining that to a 17 year old in a project.

If you break into a house to steal car keys to steal a car, that needs to be classified as a more serious offence due to the nature of potential conflict and violence it causes. I'm no lawyer but it ruins the people lives that live in the home, they no longer feel safe etc.
Also if there is a confrontation that escalates the seriousness of that crime to a new high and a new much higher penalty.
Home invasion should carry a mandatory sentence regardless if 1st offence.
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