Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Interesting. Right in front of the 24 hour Timmie's.

Under investigation for DUI while on duty with another cop in the passenger seat. Mind boggles. Outcome could have been so much worse. Missed a few pedestrians/cyclists by luck alone.

Again, adjudicate PSA immediately. If it was alcohol related, revoke her ability to carry a gun now. I think she should be fired for being drunk at work as would any other employee but if the union wants to argue that she's an alcoholic, fine, spend the time in rehab. No paid vacation to get drunk for a year. That helps nobody.

Under investigation for DUI while on duty with another cop in the passenger seat. Mind boggles. Outcome could have been so much worse. Missed a few pedestrians/cyclists by luck alone.

Again, adjudicate PSA immediately. If it was alcohol related, revoke her ability to carry a gun now. I think she should be fired for being drunk at work as would any other employee but if the union wants to argue that she's an alcoholic, fine, spend the time in rehab. No paid vacation to get drunk for a year. That helps nobody.

I can't find the report for under investigation for DUI
I can't find the report for under investigation for DUI
I haven't seen an official report (no surprise, cloak of silence is very thick). The guy that posted the first link is normally decently accurate. The biking lawyer also said she was under investigation. It will be beyond embarrassing if the cop in the passenger seat chose not to intervene prior to the crash because of the very thick blue line.
I haven't seen an official report (no surprise, cloak of silence is very thick). The guy that posted the first link is normally decently accurate. The biking lawyer also said she was under investigation. It will be beyond embarrassing if the cop in the passenger seat chose not to intervene prior to the crash because of the very thick blue line.
I would want to see a full review of both officers time line for the eight hours before the their shift started to the time the cover up started.

For aviation it's eight hours bottle to throttle and zero blood alcohol. Armed people should be similar.

How was it initially discovered that the driver was DUI, other than not being able to drive? Did a civilian coming to aid smell booze or hear incoherent voices? Paramedics?

What part did the second officer play? Bartender or the less sober occupant of the car? Friends don't let friends drive drunk unless the friend is the least drunk.

How long before this police behavior gets changed, including the SIU?
I would want to see a full review of both officers time line for the eight hours before the their shift started to the time the cover up started.

For aviation it's eight hours bottle to throttle and zero blood alcohol. Armed people should be similar.

How was it initially discovered that the driver was DUI, other than not being able to drive? Did a civilian coming to aid smell booze or hear incoherent voices? Paramedics?

What part did the second officer play? Bartender or the less sober occupant of the car? Friends don't let friends drive drunk unless the friend is the least drunk.

How long before this police behavior gets changed, including the SIU?
How many cops would ve left if 8 hours bottle to throttle was enforced? What about using a breathalyzer as a necessary screening step to open your gun locker or get your car keys? I am sure the union would freak out but it's hard to argue that it is bad policy.

How long before police behaviour changes? Something close to infinity. Like the right wing echo chamber, they have convinced themselves that their way is correct and others are misguided and don't understand. Short of a complete purge and rebuild, that attitude will persist.
It's hard to respect for these guys when you hear this stuff. The fact that they always end up "suspended with pay" is also troublesome.
Pretty damning report on bail as it currently exists. Some highlights (lowlights?) quoted below.

A report released Monday by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association says that by 2021-2022, the proportion of people in provincial and territorial jails who were awaiting bail or trial was more than 70 per cent – and nearly 79 per cent in Ontario.

That’s compared with just over 54 per cent in 2014

Across Canada, 51 per cent of cases end with all charges withdrawn
Pretty damning report on bail as it currently exists. Some highlights (lowlights?) quoted below.

A report released Monday by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association says that by 2021-2022, the proportion of people in provincial and territorial jails who were awaiting bail or trial was more than 70 per cent – and nearly 79 per cent in Ontario.

That’s compared with just over 54 per cent in 2014

Across Canada, 51 per cent of cases end with all charges withdrawn
Not enough money put into our court system, so it can't process charges quickly enough. Your next search should likely be about how many people are simply turned loose, after a finding of guilt, because they've already served their effective punishment while awaiting trial.
Not enough money put into our court system, so it can't process charges quickly enough. Your next search should likely be about how many people are simply turned loose, after a finding of guilt, because they've already served their effective punishment while awaiting trial.
I know. The whole system is circling the drain. Lots of people having pitchforks pushing for harder bail as so many crimes are committed by people on bail yet we have almost 80% of jails filled with people on bail. Just like LTB, if the courts don't function quickly and efficiently, the whole system falls apart.
How many cops would ve left if 8 hours bottle to throttle was enforced? What about using a breathalyzer as a necessary screening step to open your gun locker or get your car keys? I am sure the union would freak out but it's hard to argue that it is bad policy.

How long before police behaviour changes? Something close to infinity. Like the right wing echo chamber, they have convinced themselves that their way is correct and others are misguided and don't understand. Short of a complete purge and rebuild, that attitude will persist.

Unfortunately a breathalyzer isn't going to detect anything other than alcohol. I work with someone who, it's pretty obvious, is high on pills from time to time.
Unfortunately a breathalyzer isn't going to detect anything other than alcohol. I work with someone who, it's pretty obvious, is high on pills from time to time.
Agree. That is the job of the Sargeant before they send out the troops at the beginning of the shift. It is quite obvious that the blue line is more important than public safety so I have little faith in their current safeguards.

Fwiw, latest report I saw said this officer wasn't impaired. Given my complete lack of trust in police to enforce laws when one of their own is involved, who knows what reality was. With cooperation of investigating officers, It is easy enough for them to stall by seeking medical treatment, talking to union rep, etc to allow intoxicants to clear prior to any tests.

If they weren't impaired and this wasn't a mechanical failure, anything less than a conviction for careless will be another law enforcement fail. Any normal citizen would get that in a heartbeat. There are witnesses and video of the incident. Slam dunk.
Agree. That is the job of the Sargeant before they send out the troops at the beginning of the shift. It is quite obvious that the blue line is more important than public safety so I have little faith in their current safeguards.

Fwiw, latest report I saw said this officer wasn't impaired. Given my complete lack of trust in police to enforce laws when one of their own is involved, who knows what reality was. With cooperation of investigating officers, It is easy enough for them to stall by seeking medical treatment, talking to union rep, etc to allow intoxicants to clear prior to any tests.

If they weren't impaired and this wasn't a mechanical failure, anything less than a conviction for careless will be another law enforcement fail. Any normal citizen would get that in a heartbeat. There are witnesses and video of the incident. Slam dunk.
Delaying for a union rep, in a case of perceived impaired operation, should be a non starter. It would be the same as a regular citizen refusing a Breathalizer test to wait for their lawyer. That, in itself, is a charge on par with impaired operation. Drugs would be a different story, as that would require a blood draw for proof.
Delaying for a union rep, in a case of perceived impaired operation, should be a non starter. It would be the same as a regular citizen refusing a Breathalizer test to wait for their lawyer. That, in itself, is a charge on par with impaired operation. Drugs would be a different story, as that would require a blood draw for proof.
I know the delay shouldn't happen. I wouldnt be at all surprised if those being paid thousands to enforce the law intentionally sank any chance of conviction (and further if they did whatever they could to avoid laying a charge).
Pretty damning report on bail as it currently exists. Some highlights (lowlights?) quoted below.

A report released Monday by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association says that by 2021-2022, the proportion of people in provincial and territorial jails who were awaiting bail or trial was more than 70 per cent – and nearly 79 per cent in Ontario.

That’s compared with just over 54 per cent in 2014

Across Canada, 51 per cent of cases end with all charges withdrawn
It goes back to not enough court resources IMO.

As for people not being convicted (all charges withdrawn). Well how many are truly innocent and how many are not being convicted due to charter motions and lack of court resources (timely bail or timely trial or ???). Fix the court resource problems and much of that debate gets straightened out.
I know. The whole system is circling the drain. Lots of people having pitchforks pushing for harder bail as so many crimes are committed by people on bail yet we have almost 80% of jails filled with people on bail. Just like LTB, if the courts don't function quickly and efficiently, the whole system falls apart.
When we hear about radicalization we tend to think Islamic extremists. There is a religious component but a big part is being on the wrong part of the wealth curve. Ricky Gervais commented that he was a minority in that he was a heterosexual white male multi-millionaire "But do I complain?"

Rich people haven't got the time to protest, the very poor do and the middle class is caught in between. Maybe that's why they're called the middle class.

The more downtrodden a person is the easier they are to radicalize. The truckers freedom rally was a bunch of ****** off people holding Ottawa hostage. Fortunately it was non violent. IIRC a couple of unrelated punks used it to stage an arson event.

I never heard any details about the Stony Creek shooting where the landlord offed the tenants and was shot by police. All the participants are dead so don't bother going any further. It might embarrass the LTB. Will there be more as rent strikes and cash for keys actions continue? You bet.

What about the repeat drunk driver getting off because of court delays? He killed your loved one and walks away. Vigilante justice comes to mind. It does happen occasionally but not an epidemic. When it does happen the courts hammer the vigilante for doing what the courts should have done in the first place.

The governments are out of control and we have a two tier justice system.

If you have a high income you can pay your way out of tickets. Speed and red light cameras make it even better for you because there are no points or insurance hits under the present system.

Will insurers want license plate numbers as well as S/Ns? They cover the vehicle regardless of who's driving and it's on their dime if there's a collision. Owner gets the insurance bill so don't let lead-foot drivers use the car.

If you are pulled over by the police it costs at insurance time but again, a fat wallet cures that. Make the penalty a time not cash event. Whether you are the mail boy or CEO you have to go back to driving school for bad behavior. Everyone puts in the same number of hours.

OMG think of the lost revenue!!!!! Exactly. The governments at all levels have screwed up the system so badly they need the tax blood.

Give the police more protection from false accusations but make them more responsible for their errors in judgement.

"You copper, you just pulled me over because I'm turquoise"

"No sir, I pulled you over because you were doing 70 in a 40 zone."

"You're a racist cop."

"You have just slandered me. Here is a card that identifies me. The police association lawyer will contact you regarding my lawsuit against you. You may want to give that card to your lawyer who may ask for a ten thousand dollar retainer. The ticket stands"

None of the above will happen without a complete overthrow of our government from the top down. The needed benevolent dictator would face massive physical opposition as people found out that they would be affected as well, not just their neighbour.

Investments would crash as companies faced restrictions. Financially it would be like the last helicopter leaving a rooftop in Vietnam or the last C-17 leaving Afghanistan with people clinging to the outside.

The cause: A total failure of reality education.
I know the delay shouldn't happen. I wouldnt be at all surprised if those being paid thousands to enforce the law intentionally sank any chance of conviction (and further if they did whatever they could to avoid laying a charge).
Wouldn't put it past them but they'd be risking censure by doing it.
Wouldn't put it past them but they'd be risking censure by doing it.
It's not that big of a risk. Especially if there were lots of people involved, the chance of any light being shone on the situation approaches zero. As a first cut, you have the passenger cop, the first cop on the scene and probably the sergeant on the hook. Probably at least a few more. Do you discipline half a precinct for protecting one of their own from the consequences of their actions? Very unlikely in Ontario.
The following is surveillance and bodycam video from a fatal officer encounter... the officer was stabbed to death.. the suspect is shot to death by an armed bystander.
CAUTION.. you don't actually see the worst.. but it is pretty brutal.
It was put out by the PD.

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