Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
"Respect ma authoritay" went too far here. A cop shut down streetcars on king for over half an hour because they were mad and eventually gave the driver a ticket. Streetcars are not motor vehicle and not governed by hta so that cop needs to go back to school as well as their anger management classes.

"Respect ma authoritay" went too far here. A cop shut down streetcars on king for over half an hour because they were mad and eventually gave the driver a ticket. Streetcars are not motor vehicle and not governed by hta so that cop needs to go back to school as well as their anger management classes.

You can bet this officer was read the riot act over this idiocy. He's going to learn what happens when you make the force look that stupid, when it comes to promotion time.
More on that story from NBC News.

More BS. Authorities are continuing to be as miserable and obstinate as possible. Agreed with the family on a time to exhume the body and then did it hours earlier with no notice. Did the cops need another round of sanitization to make sure they hadn't missed anything in their first cover up? They all belong in jail.

"Respect ma authoritay" went too far here. A cop shut down streetcars on king for over half an hour because they were mad and eventually gave the driver a ticket. Streetcars are not motor vehicle and not governed by hta so that cop needs to go back to school as well as their anger management classes.

Sounds like the cop was actually trying to do something about a bad driver who only makes gridlock worse.

The TTC are some of the worst professional drivers on the roads.
Sounds like the cop was actually trying to do something about a bad driver who only makes gridlock worse.

The TTC are some of the worst professional drivers on the roads.
Professional only means you get paid for it. It doesn't mean you're good at it.

Noah's ark was built by an amateur, the Titanic by professionals.

While there are some public transit drivers that could do with upgrading their skills most are to be commended for not using Uzis on the passengers and Panzerfausts on other road users.
Sounds like the cop was actually trying to do something about a bad driver who only makes gridlock worse.

The TTC are some of the worst professional drivers on the roads.
Cop might as well shake his fist at airplanes. Streetcars are governed by the railway act.

As for blocking the intersection, that's a tough call as we don't have all the info. I suspect that if every streetcar driver waited to enter an intersection until there was an entire streetcar worth of space on the far side, the streetcars would just be parked and never actually make headway.

Shared road/streetcar infrastructure is a complete failure. Since King was redone to prevent vehicle travel along the length, streetcar transit times have increased by something like 30%. King needs a rethink. The hardware for red light cameras could easily be modified to grab vehicle plates proceeding through illegally. That should be a few thousand tickets a day. Streetcars should have cameras and ability to hand out tickets too. If you are blocking the lane, driver presses a button that takes video and picture of your vehicle, time, location, plate, etc for review by a cop who can mail you the ticket. That ticket needs to be an order of magnitude higher as it is $60 so nobody cares.
Cop might as well shake his fist at airplanes. Streetcars are governed by the railway act.

As for blocking the intersection, that's a tough call as we don't have all the info. I suspect that if every streetcar driver waited to enter an intersection until there was an entire streetcar worth of space on the far side, the streetcars would just be parked and never actually make headway.

Shared road/streetcar infrastructure is a complete failure. Since King was redone to prevent vehicle travel along the length, streetcar transit times have increased by something like 30%. King needs a rethink. The hardware for red light cameras could easily be modified to grab vehicle plates proceeding through illegally. That should be a few thousand tickets a day. Streetcars should have cameras and ability to hand out tickets too. If you are blocking the lane, driver presses a button that takes video and picture of your vehicle, time, location, plate, etc for review by a cop who can mail you the ticket. That ticket needs to be an order of magnitude higher as it is $60 so nobody cares.
Allowing rights on reds is a problem where there is congestion. As soon as a space looks like it might open up a right turner takes it. The whole thing forces through traffic to grid lock.
Allowing rights on reds is a problem where there is congestion. As soon as a space looks like it might open up a right turner takes it. The whole thing forces through traffic to grid lock.
Even rights on greens can plug the street if an intersection further down isn't clearing well. I don't know a good solution for too many vehicles to clear. As a start, local traffic only could be implemented to allow ticketing people using king street as a route to get somewhere. It is a value added ticket though as the cop has no way to identify local traffic (unless they watch you drive an entire block). Again, automated enforcement could pick that up pretty easily but you'd need more cameras as you need both ends of each block you want to hammer.
Sounds like the cop was actually trying to do something about a bad driver who only makes gridlock worse.

The TTC are some of the worst professional drivers on the roads.
I'm surprised TTC isn't caught all the time with red light tickets. I've seen this countless times, a bus/streetcar just sliding through intersection while its red.
My observation, the newer longer street cars are much slower than the old ones, due to their length. They almost never clear some intersections and I see them waiting for a few lights before even entering at certain times.
I think they are slower at turing (probably solves all the breakdowns they had in the beginning), but I've seen them zip along St Clair pretty quick.

Also some of them park right after they clear the intersection late, (Boardview & Bloor), So they block traffic coming from the opposite direction. Happens all the time.
Even rights on greens can plug the street if an intersection further down isn't clearing well. I don't know a good solution for too many vehicles to clear. As a start, local traffic only could be implemented to allow ticketing people using king street as a route to get somewhere. It is a value added ticket though as the cop has no way to identify local traffic (unless they watch you drive an entire block). Again, automated enforcement could pick that up pretty easily but you'd need more cameras as you need both ends of each block you want to hammer.
Since allowing Toronto pedestrians to cross before the green traffic signal, back ups have gotten worse. Never mind the fact that they keep crossing after the walk signal changes to flashing, which is illegal.
Since allowing Toronto pedestrians to cross before the green traffic signal, back ups have gotten worse. Never mind the fact that they keep crossing after the walk signal changes to flashing, which is illegal.
Pedestrian behaviour is poor enough that we are approaching the level of needing arms like at train tracks to try to control behaviour at busy intersections (or just switch to the scramble so pedestrians and cars have their own separate times to cross). Pedestrians like to spread out and stream across to block the entire light. Really, there should be a five second window to get going and then no more. Walking across as a crowd is safer and allows vehicles to move.
Pedestrian behaviour is poor enough that we are approaching the level of needing arms like at train tracks to try to control behaviour at busy intersections (or just switch to the scramble so pedestrians and cars have their own separate times to cross). Pedestrians like to spread out and stream across to block the entire light. Really, there should be a five second window to get going and then no more. Walking across as a crowd is safer and allows vehicles to move.
No enforcement, so nothing short of 7 foot fences with automatic gates will stop them.
I'm surprised TTC isn't caught all the time with red light tickets. I've seen this countless times, a bus/streetcar just sliding through intersection while its red.
In a way it's like a M/C ride. To keep the ride together you have to break a few laws.

For the TTC the cars and buses would have to skip stops to spread the load. A packed bus is slower to load than the empty one behind it but no one wants to wait for the second or third bus or car.
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