Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Correction: It's not the regular police union. It's the group that represents senior officers. That's separate from the regular union, as senior officers are effectively "management."
You are correct. I didn't bother specifying which union.

Why would management need a union? The only way that makes sense if if the goal of the union was to extort public money. What private company has a management union?
You are correct. I didn't bother specifying which union.

Why would management need a union? The only way that makes sense if if the goal of the union was to extort public money. What private company has a management union?
It actually sort of makes sense, when management isn't the actual top of the fiscal food chain. It's one of the ways that public organizations differ from private.
Another loser from the police tribunal. He was drunk with open alcohol in a police vehicle and crashed and he got a one year demotion. F that nonsense. As a start, he should have to pay for the $100k vehicle he wrote off if he wants to be employed by the service in any capacity.

Not sure about TPS but many municipal agencies self-insure and the cost of the replacement vehicle will be entirely on department. If Toronto is different, given the DUI conviction, insurance probably didn't pay. How do you crash a work vehicle while drunk and have substantially lower consequences than if you crashed your personal vehicle? Appalling.

He was also the head of the tribunal prior to this. If anyone should have been an example of expected behaviour it is him. This just engrains the invincibility no matter what criminal acts police commit. PSA needs to change.
Not bad.... Inspector to Super is a $15K raise.

The first thing you say when you crash a company car while plastered is "I'm an alcoholic". Alcoholism is a disability... so firing him solely for this one drunken romp would be discrimination.

It's not that simple... when there's injuries and/or damage involved.
It's not that simple... when there's injuries and/or damage involved.
Where unions and public sector money is involved, apparently it is that simple. Wrist slap at best even if you directly cost employer hundreds of thousands of dollars. We know the police suv was destroyed but I dont know what else was wrecked in the crash (that they are not holding the driver financially accountable for).
Where unions and public sector money is involved, apparently it is that simple. Wrist slap at best even if you directly cost employer hundreds of thousands of dollars. We know the police suv was destroyed but I dont know what else was wrecked in the crash (that they are not holding the driver financially accountable for).

I took Bitzz's comment as a general statement about all employees.
It's the unions and PSA that protects those guys.. not the courts and charters.

It's one thing if an employee is just drinking, or being drunk at work... that alone won't give cause.. but it's much different scenario if that person injures themselves or another, causes damage.. or is a threat to others.. with their actions.
Canadian Human Rights Act says substance dependence, alcoholism or drug addiction, is a disability and must be accommodated
It's entirely reasonable to retrain them for a job that doesn't require driving or carrying a gun if they are an uncontrolled addict. Imagine the liability the employer is taking on when you know the person is impaired at work and still allow them to use work-issued equipment that can kill people.
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Canadian Human Rights Act says substance dependence, alcoholism or drug addiction, is a disability and must be accommodated
So if a shrink says a person has a sex addiction the person is OK to rape? How about the guy that killed his wife and got off because he was sleep walking? Does anyone care about the victims anymore?

Your problem is your problem. It is your responsibility to control it regardless of what your mother told you. If you are a danger to society you get three hots and a cot while making mail bags and licence plates.

More counselling will become available when they stop giving casinos $200,000,000 bail outs.
It's entirely reasonable to retrain them for a job that doesn't require driving or carrying a gun if they are an uncontrolled addict. Imagine the liability the employer is taking on when you know the person is impaired at work and still allow them to use work-issued equipment that can kill people.
Do we end up with $150,000 a year file clerks?
Do we end up with $150,000 a year file clerks?
Better that than having them armed in public. I would prefer that compensation is adjusted for the job they can do but stupidity probably doesn't allow that.

Maybe LTD is the right approach. They can't do the job they were hired for so they can go off on disability like everybody else with a medical condition that prevents them from doing their job. They collect EI while drinking instead of 150K a year.
Federal public servants up 30%. Federal spending up 30%. Debt doubled. The budget will balance itself. Moron. I guess we shouldn't expect better from a trust fund kid that has never had a budget is his entire life.
I was trying to help a friend wrap his head around his tax situation with regards to starting a business.

1) How much cash do you need in your hand, after taxes, to run the house and feed the family?

Then how much do you have to invoice to make that happen? He is married with three kids and he's the only bread winner. I needed his claim code to come up with a gross to net salary.

I think it's code 5 but called the CRA to confirm. They couldn't answer the question, even after involving a supervisor. I was told to talk to my accountant. They wrote the book but can't read it.

Are we getting 30% more of these????
I was trying to help a friend wrap his head around his tax situation with regards to starting a business.

1) How much cash do you need in your hand, after taxes, to run the house and feed the family?

Then how much do you have to invoice to make that happen? He is married with three kids and he's the only bread winner. I needed his claim code to come up with a gross to net salary.

I think it's code 5 but called the CRA to confirm. They couldn't answer the question, even after involving a supervisor. I was told to talk to my accountant. They wrote the book but can't read it.

Are we getting 30% more of these????
Every recent liberal government has been on the more public sector employees is better program. Accountability, quality and restraint are not even considerations.
Need to work a lot of yrs to make that kind of wage in the federal government. Unless you’re a politician
or just gain equivalent private sector experience and transfer in (management, etc)

also we have to remember they are gaining a pension, need to consider that if you`re going to be honest about it.

Is 100k + pension + stellar benefits better than 150k with OK benefits?
or just gain equivalent private sector experience and transfer in (management, etc)

also we have to remember they are gaining a pension, need to consider that if you`re going to be honest about it.

Is 100k + pension + stellar benefits better than 150k with OK benefits?
Many have post retirement benefits for life that would make the private sector drool.

The private sector is going more contract with no benefits. It's cheap and easy to cull the herd.
Better that than having them armed in public. I would prefer that compensation is adjusted for the job they can do but stupidity probably doesn't allow that.

Maybe LTD is the right approach. They can't do the job they were hired for so they can go off on disability like everybody else with a medical condition that prevents them from doing their job. They collect EI while drinking instead of 150K a year.
LTD for many is 80% of salary for the duration but no COL adjustments.
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