Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Doesn't make it right. In fact it makes it very, very wrong. Police enforce the law. They shouldn't be giving out punishment.
Dont get me wrong, I agree with you 100%. Six on one and the job of one or more is just to repeatedly kick him in the head? Sadly, that is the behaviour I expect from most police. That is what they have been trained for and there are minimal consequences if any for this type of behaviour. We as society should expect and enforce a lot better. PSA needs to change.
it's human nature to try and save your life... What some see as "violently resisting" can also be interpreted as someone trying to save/defend their life.
He was unconscious for most of the video.. hard to say he was resisting.
I don't buy that a career criminal doesn't understand exactly what going to happen if he slugs a cop.

Would seem to me the save your life instinct would be to submit when 4 large men have you face down on the ground.

I doesnt look unconscious to me... unless all that movement just cops having fun dancing?
I don't buy that a career criminal doesn't understand exactly what going to happen if he slugs a cop.

Would seem to me the save your life instinct would be to submit when 4 large men have you face down on the ground.

I doesnt look unconscious to me... unless all that movement just cops having fun dancing?
Cops train for that too. Unofficial lessons in how to move and position so you can yell stop resisting while continuing the beatdown. With enough practice, even when filmed from multiple angles it is hard to prove it happened. Like soccer players taking a dive except with goons that are better at it.
Cops train for that too. Unofficial lessons in how to move and position so you can yell stop resisting while continuing the beatdown. With enough practice, even when filmed from multiple angles it is hard to prove it happened. Like soccer players taking a dive except with goons that are better at it.
Yup. Old school police tactics.

Not sure where I draw the line on handling really bad guys. I'd probably be on the side of beatdowns under the right circumstances.
Yup. Old school police tactics.

Not sure where I draw the line on handling really bad guys. I'd probably be on the side of beatdowns under the right circumstances.
I draw the line at the very concept of a beatdown. That's how I knew that I could/should never be a cop; because is someone waved a knife at me from 20 feet away, I'd likely shoot him. No one who thinks that way should be a cop.
The one officer in particular just cost us taxpayers a whole lotta money! And not talking about his paid vacation.
And like in the US, the rest should go down with him. When your own side crosses the line, it is your job to protect the innocent. Just keep kicking him in the head guy should never be a cop again but it will be a miracle if he is even disciplined.
And like in the US, the rest should go down with him. When your own side crosses the line, it is your job to protect the innocent. Just keep kicking him in the head guy should never be a cop again but it will be a miracle if he is even disciplined.
SIU looked at the takedown, nothing of interest to them.

Time for an overhaul there too.
I draw the line at the very concept of a beatdown. That's how I knew that I could/should never be a cop; because is someone waved a knife at me from 20 feet away, I'd likely shoot him. No one who thinks that way should be a cop.
I couldn't help myself posting this:

Brian Wren... the cop that is kicking the obviously unconscious arrestee has been was suspended and criminally charged.
What about his accomplices? If I was putting my boots to the face of some poor sob, do you think it would be dereliction of duty for them to let that happen?
I don't buy that a career criminal doesn't understand exactly what going to happen if he slugs a cop.

Would seem to me the save your life instinct would be to submit when 4 large men have you face down on the ground.

I doesnt look unconscious to me... unless all that movement just cops having fun dancing?

He was obviously unconscious at the 21 second mark in that video.
Another YRP DUI. Suspended with pay. PSA needs to change.

Authorities say a citizen reported a suspected impaired driver travelling northbound on Yonge Street in Bradford West Gwillimbury at around 9 p.m. on August 13, 2022.

Amanda Kengje, 43, was pulled over and arrested by South Simcoe police. She’s facing charges of dangerous operation, operation while impaired and operation while impaired with an excess blood alcohol.

In a release, York police said Knegje had been a member of its force since 2020, assigned to Uniform Patrol.
Another YRP DUI. Suspended with pay. PSA needs to change.

Authorities say a citizen reported a suspected impaired driver travelling northbound on Yonge Street in Bradford West Gwillimbury at around 9 p.m. on August 13, 2022.

Amanda Kengje, 43, was pulled over and arrested by South Simcoe police. She’s facing charges of dangerous operation, operation while impaired and operation while impaired with an excess blood alcohol.

In a release, York police said Knegje had been a member of its force since 2020, assigned to Uniform Patrol.
Good to hear that sometimes interdepartmental "courtesy" is not extended.
Maybe not. YRP getting blowback lately. Woman. 2 years in. Prepare the sacrificial altar.
Unless she decides she wants out, standard process is minimum two years, more likely three at full pay sitting at home. PSA amendment would get that money back into policing. I really don't care if she is convicted criminally. Review the evidence and if warranted, terminate her asap. No other job requires a criminal conviction to be fired (yet alone one with attached jail time). How that ever made it into PSA is beyond embarassing.
Unless she decides she wants out, standard process is minimum two years, more likely three at full pay sitting at home. PSA amendment would get that money back into policing. I really don't care if she is convicted criminally. Review the evidence and if warranted, terminate her asap. No other job requires a criminal conviction to be fired (yet alone one with attached jail time). How that ever made it into PSA is beyond embarassing.

It's been scrubbed from the net and it's hard to tell the players without a program with all the YRP officers who've had impaired charges, but one recent case it was a man with 15+ years on the force that had his charges dropped because "it came to light" he (allegedly) didn't get read his rights when he was arrested. It's not a secret the force is misogynistic boy's club. Throw her to the wolves. Less flack the next time one of us guys winds up drunk on top of a fire hydrant coming home from the iter-force slow pitch game.
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