Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

That's quite the kick, made him bleed good too.
And in the end, he wasn't even a criminal, he's the guy that scares the geese off the golf course lol.

And now, our tax dollars will be spent paying him out after the settlement.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

About the guy who got kicked in the face....

Did you read the article? While his job is to scare geese off of the golf course with a shotgun, he has been off of work since the summer. He has been unfit to work due to a brain injury he sustained in a motorcycle accident. Why is he shooting off a gun at the golf course? Is he even fit to drive his truck?

"The golf club employee who allegedly fired the shots was on disability leave at the time of his arrest, McKinnon said, because of a brain injury he sustained in a motorcycle accident last summer.

He said the man had a permit to fire the gun for the purpose of scaring geese off the golf course but could not say if that's what the man was doing Friday."

It's possible the last thing the man said before getting kicked was "I'm gonna get up and shoot you!"

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Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Yeah, with the imaginary rifle stuck up his rectum :rolleyes:
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

About the guy who got kicked in the face....

Did you read the article? While his job is to scare geese off of the golf course with a shotgun, he has been off of work since the summer. He has been unfit to work due to a brain injury he sustained in a motorcycle accident. Why is he shooting off a gun at the golf course? Is he even fit to drive his truck?

"The golf club employee who allegedly fired the shots was on disability leave at the time of his arrest, McKinnon said, because of a brain injury he sustained in a motorcycle accident last summer.

He said the man had a permit to fire the gun for the purpose of scaring geese off the golf course but could not say if that's what the man was doing Friday."

It's possible the last thing the man said before getting kicked was "I'm gonna get up and shoot you!"

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I don't think you understand how things work around here.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I don't think you understand how things work around here.

Ya, I guess your right.

Here's what I was thinking......

On this board, if a dog owner losses control of their dog, and a homeowner discharges his firearm, the homeowner should be arrested at best, beaten to a pulp at worst.

If a man with a brain injury goes to his place of work with a firearm and discharges it, while having been unfit to work for the last few months, then leaves with the firearm, the police should treat that man with zero force.

Some on this board are a hard group to please.

Carry on!
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Ya, I guess your right.

Here's what I was thinking......

On this board, if a dog owner losses control of their dog, and a homeowner discharges his firearm, the homeowner should be arrested at best, beaten to a pulp at worst.

If a man with a brain injury goes to his place of work with a firearm and discharges it, while having been unfit to work for the last few months, then leaves with the firearm, the police should treat that man with zero force.

Some on this board are a hard group to please.

Carry on!

You don't get it, I already know that.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

If a man with a brain injury goes to his place of work with a firearm and discharges it, while having been unfit to work for the last few months, then leaves with the firearm, the police should treat that man with zero force.

Some on this board are a hard group to please.

If a man with a brain injury goes to his place of work with a firearm and discharges it, while having been unfit to work for the last few months, then leaves with the firearm, the police have no mandate to kick the person in the head when they're on their hands and knees complying with their orders.

Some on this board's logic is hard to comprehend.

And danky, well, he just likes to read his thoughts(?) in print on his monitor.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I just don't see the problem. Shots have been fired. The suspect has a brain injury that is making it difficult to obey the cops commands. The rifle is in the cab of the truck. A brain injury can appear like a drug impairment. The cop only knows the description of the suspect. The cop wants the suspect on his belly so he can control him. He is legally entitled to use force.

He didn't beat the subject unconscious, he kicked him once.

I'll bet we have all seen worse beatings in sports, or at the bars.

Some of you have fight training. Was that kick intended to seriously injure the suspect? I think one kick shows restraint. Would you be upset if the suspect had been tasered, and bumped his head?

Here's a formula.....

Don't shoot gun at golf course = don't get one kick in face

Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

why do you always ask stupid questions?

This again?

You're mad because I disagreed with you on something in the past, I get that.

I'm not going to put you on ignore, I don't believe in that, but you're more than welcome to put me on ignore. Or grow up, whatever.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

That's quite the kick, made him bleed good too.
And in the end, he wasn't even a criminal, he's the guy that scares the geese off the golf course lol.

Are you sure about that? Watch the longer youtube video and near the end listen to the cop talking to another cop (supervisor) who arrives and asks, "so what do you got here?".

The first cop answers: "the call that came in was that he was basically a disgruntled employee who went to Harvest Golf Course with a shotgun, he may have pointed it at somebody, and I believe that I heard on the way here that there were shots fired."

Whoever called the police knew the guy was an employee and told the police that he was disgruntled and armed. Reports suggest that shots had been fired by this disgruntled employee while at the golf course. That certainly suggests that this guy was involved in something other than doing his job at the golf course.

The start of that same video shows the shooter failing to quickly comply with the cop's instructions to lay on the ground. The video shows the cop land exactly one kick to get him flat on the ground so they could put the cuffs on him and neutralize any further risk from the shooter, and that is the end of any further physical force. Whether the cop should have kicked him or not to gain full control of the shooter is up for investigation, but it's hardly the case of a perfectly innocent citizen being roughed up "just because".
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Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

That is posted pasive agression man. Wait till the racr card comes

And....its a nice monitor...

This again?

You're mad because I disagreed with you on something in the past, I get that.

I'm not going to put you on ignore, I don't believe in that, but you're more than welcome to put me on ignore. Or grow up, whatever.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

That is posted pasive agression man. Wait till the racr card comes

If this foruming is more than pure entertainment, then oh boy, do I need a field goal to the face portion of my head.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Why was the man arrested? He had a permit to fire the shotgun. Did he threaten anyone?
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Why was the man arrested? He had a permit to fire the shotgun. Did he threaten anyone?

"the call that came in was that he was basically a disgruntled employee who went to Harvest Golf Course with a shotgun, he may have pointed it at somebody, and I believe that I heard on the way here that there were shots fired."
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