Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
That's just the thing, I don't. Like I said, go back and take the time to read ... but you won't, because it won't meet with your own narrow view of the subject... and we both know I'm right.

But at least I agree with your tagline, as it pertains to your opinions... :)

Attacked by squirrels. Awesome article... ahaha

Am I going to read through 125 pages to verify your point, no. So give me the page it started from and I will verify. My personal belief is that there are good and bad people in EVERY profession, my point about you is that you have only noted the bad in one prefession.

As for us, both knowing your right, i have never believed YOU to be right, and my tagline should be construed as a direct reference to your posts. You intimate that i am an "copper" because I take an opposite view point to yours, by that standard then i should assume that you are a "robber" because you have a hatred for police. My guess is you have had bad experience with police and now have a vendetta of some sort due to these experiences. I have had both good and bad experiences with police but the majority have been good, reason being, my attitude is not one of hatred or disgust and the respect I give to people treats me to positive experiences with most. Your negative outlook likely translates into you everyday interactions causing people, including cops, to treat you poorly. Attitude is everything, I have been let off on numerous speeding tickets merely because of a good attitude, you should give it a try.
Wow, that's a lot of (wrong) assumptions in one post. My posts are all over the forum - go look for them.

Here's a hint for you: most of my experience with cops comes from working with them and from hanging out with them. I have no record. My "negative outlook" comes from extensive experience and friendship. So much for stereotypes.
Gixxer, you're never going to get anywhere with anyone that frequents this thread. Save yourself the headache. Despite the title this is the "Cop Bashing Thread". Just let it be what it is.
Am I going to read through 125 pages to verify your point, no. So give me the page it started from and I will verify. My personal belief is that there are good and bad people in EVERY profession, my point about you is that you have only noted the bad in one prefession.

As for us, both knowing your right, i have never believed YOU to be right, and my tagline should be construed as a direct reference to your posts. You intimate that i am an "copper" because I take an opposite view point to yours, by that standard then i should assume that you are a "robber" because you have a hatred for police. My guess is you have had bad experience with police and now have a vendetta of some sort due to these experiences. I have had both good and bad experiences with police but the majority have been good, reason being, my attitude is not one of hatred or disgust and the respect I give to people treats me to positive experiences with most. Your negative outlook likely translates into you everyday interactions causing people, including cops, to treat you poorly. Attitude is everything, I have been let off on numerous speeding tickets merely because of a good attitude, you should give it a try.

excellent post.
excellent post.

It's not an excellent post, because it ignores several things:

a) he does not know me - at all
b) he does not know my attitude towards police interactions - at all
c) he does not know my background - at all
d) he assumes several things which were not stated
e) he assumes that police have treated me universallly badly
f) he assumes that my mistrust of police is all because of my dealings with them
g) he does not know anything about who I know in the police force
h) really, need I go on?
excellent post.

Ya, all TWO of you agree. :lmao:

If we we're really trying, we could fill a page a day with rogue cop news stories, i think we've allready proven that.

With the huge increase of video cams out there, it's only going to get worse for those that can't do their jobs properly.
Cops can only cover up so much before the public that employs them starts catching on and demands some accountability and responsibility.
Gixxer, it should be pretty obvious this thread is a massive circlejerk for cop-haters. Let 'em have it to themselves.

Some may joke about it, but Canada does provide us with freedom of speech. If they want to use said liberties to perpetuate the delusional mindset amongst themselves that every cop is out there to retard their rights and freedoms and kill their puppies, so be it.
Ya, all TWO of you agree. :lmao:

If we we're really trying, we could fill a page a day with rogue cop news stories, i think we've allready proven that.

With the huge increase of video cams out there, it's only going to get worse for those that can't do their jobs properly.
Cops can only cover up so much before the public that employs them starts catching on and demands some accountability and responsibility.

As compared to the 2 of you that agree. I can fill a page with stories about fluffy bunnies too but as others have said that is not what this thread is about, i'm out, enjoy your pessimism.
You do realize that most if not all of the other posts that look unfavourably on cops are posted by you right? I'm sure if i Google "truck driver kills family" i could post a dozen or more links. News is centered around cops and politicians and the bad ***** people do, tell me the last time the news was centered around the positive things that have occurred that day.

Cops and politicians are an easy target, they have a difficult job, like many others. The difference being they are in the public spot light. If an electrician wires a switch incorrectly and the building burns or someone is electricuted you never hear about that in the news.
yes your right shaman is the problem. hitler (bill blair) cost the tax payers over 2billion and now with a 800 person class action lawsuit against cops with im sure more then 200 seperate lawsuit which will cost the tax payers most likely over another 100 million more... your right gixxer6 shaman is at fault for showing the masses cops are corupt.
oh yea dont forget the 150 person class action lawsuit against the rcmp for former rcmp cops. cops suing cops kinda leave us no side to rute for lol
what i love this week there was a 53 year old person hit and killed and the driver took off...the cop goes on the news to say.
as a driver it is a crime to hit somebody and to leave the seen and by law you have to stay and help the person you hit.blah blah blah.
now lets go back a year or two. monty roberson (one of the rcmp that killed the polish guy at the airport) is drinking and driving and makes a left hand turn in front of a guy on a bike.
the guy is laying there bleeding out. monty hands his driver licence to a passser by and says he will be back. he then goes to a bar has a couple of drinks and come back. now at this point the bike guy is dead. convited of obstruck justis. but not for leaving the seen of a crime.
man that cop on the news this week must find it real hard to walk around with his head up his butt....
hey gixxer6 why dont you go back to the bleu line were you belong.
and tell them we would like to see ONE week go by were there isn't a cop caught in the news being a criminal.
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As compared to the 2 of you that agree. I can fill a page with stories about fluffy bunnies too but as others have said that is not what this thread is about, i'm out, enjoy your pessimism.

You fail at reading first of all. I don't blame you though, the police only hire narrow minded people.
Secondly, I like bunnies, feel free to start a new thread.
Thirdly, thanks for your permission to expose the truths.

Cops will protect the crooked blue line until they have to save their own skin.
Then they turn on each other like desperate rats when it's time to face the consequences.
Is that even legal?
I, or the cop, would be laying dead on the side of that road before that ever happened to me!

No, not in Canada but not sure anywhere else.
They looked like they enjoyed it though. lol
Re: Can you be arrested for being a person of interest?

Talk to the several hundred G20 protesters about their unlawful "detention" summer 2010.

"Kettled" on the streets for 2-3 hours in the rain and not permitted to leave peacefully...then manhandled and shipped off to oversized dog cages in a warehouse in the film district for 2 days.

Police officers hiding their identities (removing their name tags and badge numbers) which implies that they knew exactly what they were doing was illegal and immoral and a cover up.

No habeus corpus, no time in front of a judge.

Lack of food, water, clean and private sanitation.
Very high temperatures inside the warehouse in summer.

Photo's, fingerprints and verbal threats no to protest anything in this country ever again.

Basically Nazi tactics.

Then because the police force was under federal jurisdiction and the cops came from all over Canada...the inquiry has no teeth to do anything about it so it can and will likely happen again in the future.

I'd urge anyone that has the time to listen to the CBC radio program on will be disgusted that this happened here in our great country.

Basically Harper and his gang of thugs were willing to **** all over the constitutional freedoms of several hundred people in order to appease the worlds economic powers.
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Re: Can you be arrested for being a person of interest?

Spider its so obvvious you are hateful and biassed towards harper etc etc. Delete your post.

Yes, toronto police and others at G20 were crooked as ****. But it doesnt go to the gvnmnt it goes to the the cheifs of police who call the shots.
Talk to the several hundred G20 protesters about their unlawful "detention" summer 2010.

"Kettled" on the streets for 2-3 hours in the rain and not permitted to leave peacefully...then manhandled and shipped off to oversized dog cages in a warehouse in the film district for 2 days.

Police officers hiding their identities (removing their name tags and badge numbers) which implies that they knew exactly what they were doing was illegal and immoral and a cover up.

No habeus corpus, no time in front of a judge.

Lack of food, water, clean and private sanitation.
Very high temperatures inside the warehouse in summer.

Photo's, fingerprints and verbal threats no to protest anything in this country ever again.

Basically Nazi tactics.

I cant help but laugh at people that think this is anything like what the Nazis were doing.
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