Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Houston Cop Threatens to Tase Teens For Recording

He's there working, he has the right to tell them to stop. They were trying to be tough guys, laughing at him, so he even the odds, and the guys showed how tough they really aren't. He did exactly what he had to do.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

Considering that US courts have held consistently in police filming cases that they are allowed to do so (ESPECIALLY when they are working) as it is a protected right under the first amendment of the US constitution, he doesn't have to right to tell them to stop filming.

its LOL that you are comparing a kid with a phone to a guy with a gun.
Re: Houston Cop Threatens to Tase Teens For Recording

They are on private property, they have no right to film him if he doesn't want them to. He has the right to kick them off the property if he wanted to.
Here's a perfect example of what can happen if he doesn't take proactive action

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

You sir, are an idiot.
What part of private property do you not understand. If they are on public property it's different, but since it's private property he has the right to stop them. If you guys can't see they were there for the sole purpose of causing trouble, then there's definately something wrong.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
Re: Houston Cop Threatens to Tase Teens For Recording

What part of private property do you not understand. If they are on public property it's different, but since it's private property he has the right to stop them. If you guys can't see they were there for the sole purpose of causing trouble, then there's definately something wrong.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

lol you think mall cops have the right to ask for your ID... hahahahah
Re: Houston Cop Threatens to Tase Teens For Recording

What part of public service do you not understand?

Smartphones and cameras are the beginning of the end for abusive cops. The interwebpipes are a game changer for the public that has to put up with police abuse every day. It won't be long before these vermin cops are ejected from civil society. The average citizen hates their guts and signs their paycheques and isn't going to allow it forever. Cops like this are the worst criminals of all because they've been entrusted with an extreme authority (getting to choose who lives and dies) and they abuse it. And now everyone knows it, or will know it soon. Technology!!!

What part of private property do you not understand. If they are on public property it's different, but since it's private property he has the right to stop them. If you guys can't see they were there for the sole purpose of causing trouble, then there's definately something wrong.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
What part of public service do you not understand?

Smartphones and cameras are the beginning of the end for abusive cops. The interwebpipes are a game changer for the public that has to put up with police abuse every day. It won't be long before these vermin cops are ejected from civil society. The average citizen hates their guts and signs their paycheques and isn't going to allow it forever. Cops like this are the worst criminals of all because they've been entrusted with an extreme authority (getting to choose who lives and dies) and they abuse it. And now everyone knows it, or will know it soon. Technology!!!

LMFAO, so you sign cheques for their pay. The average citizen doesn't hate their guts. I would bet the actual percentage of people that hate cops is very small.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
Re: Houston Cop Threatens to Tase Teens For Recording

What part of private property do you not understand. If they are on public property it's different, but since it's private property he has the right to stop them. If you guys can't see they were there for the sole purpose of causing trouble, then there's definately something wrong.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

It may be private property but it's public access and treated as such. It's along the lines of you not being allowed to pop wheelies in a parking lot unless it's closed to the public with the owner's consent and why you can't sleep in your car if you're drunk even if you're in your driveway. Also, he doesn't have the right to tell them to stop filming. If he's there in the capacity of a security guard, he can ask them to leave and they'd be trespassing if they don't comply. As a cop, he has no right to tell them to leave unless there is a public safety issue or he's acting on the management's request. He had no right to order them to stop filming. Otherwise, you wouldn't be allowed to film the cops beating a victim if they took him into a mall parking lot, for example.

I grew up in a place where the cops had too much power. For example, there was a case where they pulled over a young couple (it was an intervention unit, so there were 4-5 of them). They told him to loan them his girlfiend so they can gangbang her. He didn't comply. So they started beating the living crap out of him until eventually she just allowed them to rape her. That's why I'm against this "if you don't comply with whatever a cop orders you to do, you deserve what you get" mindset. Allow for it to get too far and you get **** like this.
Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

Send the police to the front lines of a war, and they will be ********/pissing their pants.

something like this :


Funny you would say that.
The only cops I know were soldiers before cops.
Re: Houston Cop Threatens to Tase Teens For Recording

What part of public service do you not understand?

Smartphones and cameras are the beginning of the end for abusive cops. The interwebpipes are a game changer for the public that has to put up with police abuse every day. It won't be long before these vermin cops are ejected from civil society. The average citizen hates their guts and signs their paycheques and isn't going to allow it forever. Cops like this are the worst criminals of all because they've been entrusted with an extreme authority (getting to choose who lives and dies) and they abuse it. And now everyone knows it, or will know it soon. Technology!!!

The police who are on a dirty payroll will never be ejected from civil society. It's only going to get worse.
Re: Houston Cop Threatens to Tase Teens For Recording

lol you think mall cops have the right to ask for your ID... hahahahah

I almost received a serious beating while visiting the old country for not having an ID on me. Over there it's mandatory if you're 18+ but I was 17.. The intervention unit during the dictatorship didn't give a ****.. Their M.O. was as follows:

-They give you a beating on the spot
-They throw you in the paddy-wagon and beat you there
-They take you into the station and give you a beating
-If they can't charge you with anything, they take you out front, beat you some more and let you go

Give cops too much power and human nature will let them get that way, regardless of which country you're in. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Edit: What got me out of the beating was that it happened steps away from the house of a buddy whose dad had guys above their paygrade on his payroll. His dad came out, threw a few names around, they left with their tails between their legs. I think some of my posts in this thread explain why I take a dim view of abuse of police power - I've seen where that leads and I don't want it to happen in my "new" country.
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Re: Houston Cop Threatens to Tase Teens For Recording

What part of private property do you not understand. If they are on public property it's different, but since it's private property he has the right to stop them. If you guys can't see they were there for the sole purpose of causing trouble, then there's definately something wrong.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

Define trouble.
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Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

Funny you would say that.
The only cops I know were soldiers before cops.

they went on tours, drank long island iced teas and basked in the afgan sun.

Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

they went on tours, drank long island iced teas and basked in the afgan sun.

LOL, if you only knew.

Im sure there are some forum members in the military that can paint a more accurate picture.
Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

LOL, if you only knew.

Im sure there are some forum members in the military that can paint a more accurate picture.

I was only kidding with that post. I have spoken with police before in a formal setting, and I am aware of officers (small %) having full military training.

How many cops actually served in the military? 15%-20% at best? This is full reg force, and none of this attended police foundations crap, where they joined the reserve forces for a few years (never went on tour), and worked some noble patrol job at Jane/Finch riding around a bicycle @ 1-2 am with a radio.

Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

Yup there are some bad cops out there. Let's focus on them and make them all feel bad and make it even more into an "Us vs Them" situation.
The reality is that some of those clips are of unnecessary brutality but others have to be seen from the cops point of view where he doesn't have all the information and the situation is still not under control.
True, the system needs a rework to make it more transparent but all that posting a bunch of these clips is meant to do is stir up crap. If the OP is so incensed about the situation he should run for office and create meaningful change.
Re: Houston Cop Threatens to Tase Teens For Recording

Give cops too much power and human nature will let them get that way, regardless of which country you're in. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...

This is a scientific fact about human nature. That is why there ALWAYS needs to be a system of accountability and the police cannot consider themselves above the law.

oily: the cop was off-duty working as a security guard for a non-police company. he has no right to order them to stop filming. in fact he didn't even tell them to stop filming before he went off the deep end. he said "don't film me" and the kids complied by filming the parking lot when he snapped. and the security guard has no right to demand identification. all he could have done was ask them to leave the property.
Re: Houston Cop Threatens to Tase Teens For Recording

Are you guys that stupid? First there's two ****ing morons and one cop, he tells them to stop recording him, they don't listen, then he asks for I'd, and they refuse, then one guy actually puts his hand up to the cop. I wouldn't tase them, I would have shot the dead. It's obvious you guys are cop haters.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

I admit I am a cop hater....should be called "A paid goon" thats about all they are. I like how he almost say you ID'ing me, but then says
Re: Houston Cop Threatens to Tase Teens For Recording

Cops shoot horse rather than attempting to round it up and return it to an owner. Takes too much time, amirite?

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