Something I won't see for at least another 10 years 

i think i have frostbite. i did about 70-80kAnnnnnnd done until Tuesday at 4pm. It's chilly out this morning though.
Leaving work now for an hour ride home northward....hope it is warmer tonight- but doubt it will be.i think i have frostbite. i did about 70-80k
I went to ikea today and saw something amazing.
i have been there before, but i foe some reason, i have never noticed this, maybe it was becasue i never used a cart there
but its amazing that otyher places dont do this. i found it on youtube, im not suprised other people were fascinated as well
those swedes are pretty smart.
Gotta wake at 5 and can't watch vidsNo rain up here anymore. Was napping until the boss thought I should wake up. I love my job lol