Late night thread

Roller derby looks like fun but I'm way out of shape

a lot of the ..ahem.. ladies on that site posted don't exactly look like elite athletes
Are all of you guys working or do some of you just not like sleeping? We should set up a ride or something
:( dammit, I felt asleep watching a movie now I'm awake n ****** :(

Sent from phone
I'm on vacation now.
That was me last week, cept I was having no issue getting to bed

Tonight shadow woke me up out of a dead sleep. He was whimpering because the "dinosaur" bone (cow's leg) the he was given had caused him stomach cramps that were having him drag his squat *** around the back yard pissing diarrhea out his butt because of the grease content. His bone is under lock and key now.
Our dog is allergic to everything, poor guy, can't have like any treats, breaks out in sores :(
Signing off.
(probably gonna get a warning for this)

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why must I have huge reports and presentations due in every single one of my courses for the same time!!! GAHHHHH!!!! definitely not making my 8am class tomorrow at this rate. OH, and why must every single one also be a group report. I don't want my mark being brought down by other people. grrrrrrrr Student rant over... for now
Excited to be looking at a few bikes in the AM, can't sleep.
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