Late night thread

Wow had a great ride today. Think it woke me up here at 3 AM. Didn't think I was going to be riding the bike again this year after having my hernia surgery 3 weeks ago. Wasn't comfortable but it was worth it. :)
Haha that's some high tech **** right there.

The other night I dreamt about a vending machine that dispensed puppies.
alive or dead ? and how much were they ?

Alive but one was left discarded in the bottom bin where they fall out. I thought it was dead at first but it was still breathing. Didn't see a price but I assume the machine takes yen
I went to ikea today and saw something amazing.

i have been there before, but i foe some reason, i have never noticed this, maybe it was becasue i never used a cart there
but its amazing that otyher places dont do this. i found it on youtube, im not suprised other people were fascinated as well

those swedes are pretty smart.

the funniest part is the ending of the race.

one guy is in the lead, and then drops like a rock.

i think the guy behind him, jammed his thumb up the other guys ***

I think I'm losing my hearing

Sent from my Phone, dont judge the grammar
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