This episode made me almost wet myself.
made my night!!
This episode made me almost wet myself.
problem is the cost. those lorries weren't cheap and the fact that one required the help of the fire department
Polish beekeeper Josef Guzy found still alive in coffin
David Charter, Europe Correspondent
As the lid of his coffin was about to be sealed, Josef Guzy’s grieving widow made one last request for her late husband’s necklace.
The 76-year-old Polish beekeeper had collapsed earlier in the day and been pronounced dead at the scene by a doctor.
When the undertaker reached into the coffin for the last time, he thought that he detected a faint pulse. On closer inspection, Mr Guzy was still breathing.
The same ambulance that had been called to the pensioner’s home near the southern city of Katowice and found no sign of life now raced to the undertakers to discover that their patient was still alive.
Indian prisoners find yoga is key to getting out of jail
The doctor who had issued the death certificate applied an electrocardiac monitor that recorded a pulse of 20 to 30 beats a minute — around a third of normal strength.
Mr Guzy was rushed into intensive care, and after weeks of recovery he is back home to tend his bees.
“Josef had gone to the barn where he keeps his beloved bees when he collapsed and fell to the ground,” said Jerzy Wisniewski, a spokesman for the Regional Ambulance Service in Katowice.
“There were no signs of life when his wife called the ambulance. An experienced doctor with a specialist qualification in resuscitation found that the patient was not breathing, there was no heartbeat and the body had cooled — all the characteristics of death.”
Darius Wysluchato, the funeral director and former miner who learnt first aid for his old job, described how he found the faint pulse and signs of breath from the corpse that he earlier placed in the coffin with an assistant.
“When we arrived, the man had been lying covered with a sheet for a few hours,” Mr Wysluchato said. “Just before closing the coffin, the family asked us to remove a couple of precious things from the body. His son-in-law wanted his watch as a keepsake and his wife wanted a chain from his neck.
“I happened to touch the artery in the neck and was totally shocked. I checked it again and shouted, ‘There is a pulse.’ My assistant checked as well. I leant in close and I could tell that he was still breathing. My God, it was a miracle.”
Doctors in Katowice have described it as a case of suspended animation, the first they have known.
Mr Wysluchato added: “Thank God I did not close the coffin. If I had done that it would have been a tragedy.
“Something touched me to touch his neck. I am so pleased that Josef is alive and I wish him luck. To come back after lying in your coffin is really a miracle.”
Mr Guzy has shown his gratitude to the man he credits with giving him a second life. “The undertaker saved my life. I am so grateful. The first thing I did when I got out of hospital was take him a pot of honey,” he said.
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Blah.. a huge lab report due tomorrow.
Good luck.
I couldn't get into u of t to study past 11 tonight...they finally caught on to the fact that the picture on "my" ID is some chick![]()
Yup, I got the boot at Robarts. I actually had the most perfect excuse for having the face scratched out...but the problem is that if you get there after 11, they SCAN it, instead of checking. What campus are you at & is it easy to get away with staying for extended hours?Whoa, is this downtown u of t? You should say that it was you before the operation. Trust me.. no more questions will be asked!
They started checking I.D's at my campus too.. And the weird thing is the cop who patrols the campus is my ex's significant other.
What you don't like rugged motor homes? I'd drive it. just watch out for bridges.
No, I've been interior camping, I don't like the the waking up dead article.
Hell's Angels dispute: Man admits beating over theft of motorcycle from biker's son
Victoria, B.C. - A Nanaimo man has pleaded guilty to beating up a 29-year-old accused of stealing a motorcycle from the son of a Hells Angels member in 2008.
Dean Curtis Madill, 53, admitted to confining and assaulting a man in Errington during a Wednesday court appearance in Nanaimo provincial court before Judge Doug Cowling.
In February 2008, a motorcycle belonging to the son of biker Lea Sheppe was stolen.
The victim, who cannot be identified by court order, was accused of the theft.
Madill, with Sheppe, 58, allegedly went to confront the man in March.
In May, Madill admitted he returned and seriously beat the man in May. Sheppe was not present.
Madill pleaded guilty to assault and unlawful confinement in the March incident and aggravated assault in the May incident. He was sentenced to a conditional sentence of two years less a day for the aggravated assault and concurrent conditional sentences for the assault and forcible confinement.
The man suffered a serious head injury in that attack and required hospitalization. He is out of hospital and continues to recover.
After the May incident came to light, the investigation grew to include RCMP officers from Vancouver specializing in organized crime activity because of Sheppe's alleged involvement in the March incident.
Sheppe's trial is expected to start Monday morning in B.C. Supreme Court.
© Copyright (c) The Victoria Times Colonist
Here's a hot chick for your troubles:I just lied in bed for about 3 hours and could not bring myself to sleep. Seriously... three hours just lying in the darkness waiting to slip into the unconscious world. Three days in a row this has happened!