Late night thread

You don't spell well late at night.
Isn't it: "P.P.D.S.P.E.M.F.O.B.B.T"? Not that I'd know anything about it.

actually i copied an pasted.

Un-Four-tunate Inch-uendo
(I am selling a TV to a middle aged man and his wife.)

Me: “So it’s between the 32 and the 36 inch TV, right?”

Husband: “Yes, but I don’t understand the difference between them.”

Me: “Well, they have the same specs all the way down the line. One is just bigger.”

Husband: “Who in the h*** would pay almost $350 more for four more inches?”

Wife: “I would!”
Well I know what MF might stand for but FM is new to me.

Looked it up in the Urban Dictionary and I'm pretty sure it doesn't stand for Football Manager.

could be a typo by the person who i stole the link from

I hate spread sheets.


could be a typo by the person who i stole the link from

I hate spread sheets.


LOL. I used to program in them. We had some wacky thing that Microsoft built for us. It also used very slow links to Word for some stuff.
I just watched this I didn't learn anything about homosexuality that I didn't know already but I saw a different side of christianity I'd never seen other than pockets.


Watched the first 40 seconds - some guy smacks a woman in the face and then skimmed trying to find the point. Everyone is going to interpret things differently, depending on their point of view and their values?

woo watchin the bible thumper vids lol
I made the huge mistake of taking a nap yesterday around 6pm, i didnt get up till 12, now i'm screwed for the whole week for sure.

This new geico tv commercial nearly made me choke to death though.. :lol:
That's how you do it son.
LOL! Yeah....I finally put on a movie to watch. Went to bed at 7:30 am....just got up! Geez....think my body might be screwed up from shift work? :rolleyes:
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