LA Fires

Couple reminders here.

Yes, these fires affected the properties of some rich people. They also affected thousands and thousands of properties owned by regular people trying to get by, who have now lost everything. It's understandable that there will be charities involved. That's what they do. Thousands of people are now homeless and have lost everything.

Don't lose sight of that.
Couple reminders here.

Yes, these fires affected the properties of some rich people. They also affected thousands and thousands of properties owned by regular people trying to get by, who have now lost everything. It's understandable that there will be charities involved. That's what they do. Thousands of people are now homeless and have lost everything.

Don't lose sight of that.
also reports of insurance companies canceling policies, not good neither

also reports of insurance companies canceling policies, not good neither

Even without the cancellation the insurance companies probably have a out.
If memory serves all the policies that i have contain a disclaimer voiding coverage in the event of acts of war or terrorism and with all the allegations of arson that could be prosecuted as domestic terrorism it might be a fight to get a settlement without having some sort of rider for coverage in the event of.
Couple reminders here.

Yes, these fires affected the properties of some rich people. They also affected thousands and thousands of properties owned by regular people trying to get by, who have now lost everything. It's understandable that there will be charities involved. That's what they do. Thousands of people are now homeless and have lost everything.

Don't lose sight of that.
Sometimes the celebrities aren't as cash heavy as one might think. Some make a lot of money but don't handle it well and are dependent on cash flow. Losing a house worth millions is going to be hard on them. It would have been less hard if they hadn't spent so freely before the fire.

i don't know where the stats people get their info but actor James Woods possibly lost his house to the fire and I've seen estimates of his worth from 6 to 20 million. I gather the desireable areas of LA are in the millions. How much of his financial accumulation was his house.

In 2017, he bought a house in the Beverly Hills area for $2.1 million. He sold this home in July 2018 for $2.35 million. Today, his primary Los Angeles residence is in the Pacific Palisades. His Palisades home was severely damaged in a 2025 fire. In subsequent interviews after the fire, James claimed that he did not have fire insurance and had been dropped from his coverage without explanation just a few months before the Palisades Fire.

Celebrities are not fireproof. Having insurance dropped is brutal if not criminal.

An added thought: A lot of the wealthy invest in art. I wonder how much of that was lost. A number of years ago Liona Boyd drove back roads to avoid closures so she could retrieve her guitar collection. She doesn't play knock off Gibsons.
Even without the cancellation the insurance companies probably have a out.
If memory serves all the policies that i have contain a disclaimer voiding coverage in the event of acts of war or terrorism and with all the allegations of arson that could be prosecuted as domestic terrorism it might be a fight to get a settlement without having some sort of rider for coverage in the event of.
Sadly all insurance policies have escape clauses. Anyone that thinks insurance coverage is guaranteed is delusional.
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The pending insurance situation in LA (which hasn't played out yet) isn't necessarily claims being denied, but policies being cancelled over the last few months. A CNN article about it was posted above. Here's more:
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I've seen a few news sources reporting they arrested an arsonist, don't know if there's truth or not
I feel bad for everyone , but I also think about the histroy , memorabilia and photo collections in the celebrity homes . Lot of very cool stuff went up in smoke .
...and lots of "evidence" if you wantbto believe some tinfoil hat wearing types... lol
Good grief , I never thought about the “evidence” side of the conversation lol. Photos of holiday frolics with Epstein, HRH Andrew, Tom Cruise , the Knights Templar , Shriners driving go karts , golfing with the Donald .

Sent from my iPhone using
Reading and watching all the news - shrubs close to houses were not allowed to be removed to protect wild life, empty fire reservoirs, cuts and DEI controversy to Fire Services, other reasons, but it seems the legacy media protecting whose in power there as it not anyone's fault...
Yes global warming exist but does it mean we just sit and wait till we all burn or go under water and not actively preparing?
I wander what natural disaster in Toronto is possible we are ignoring right now?
Reading and watching all the news - shrubs close to houses were not allowed to be removed to protect wild life, empty fire reservoirs, cuts and DEI controversy to Fire Services, other reasons, but it seems the legacy media protecting whose in power there as it not anyone's fault...
Yes global warming exist but does it mean we just sit and wait till we all burn or go under water and not actively preparing?
I wander what natural disaster in Toronto is possible we are ignoring right now?
When was the last time there was a substantial fire or controlled burn in many of the valleys running through toronto? While they don't have as much dry scrub as LA, I suspect that has potential for a major incident given the right weather conditions and size of fire before discovery. Imo, Toronto is more susceptible to death by a thousand cuts than armageddon. The water infrastructure (especially supply) is decades past the replace by date. Something like an earthquake could cause hundreds of watermain breaks at the same time. How long to repair that many? While water is down there are livability issues and less ability to deal with fire.
When was the last time there was a substantial fire or controlled burn in many of the valleys running through toronto? While they don't have as much dry scrub as LA, I suspect that has potential for a major incident given the right weather conditions and size of fire before discovery. Imo, Toronto is more susceptible to death by a thousand cuts than armageddon. The water infrastructure (especially supply) is decades past the replace by date. Something like an earthquake could cause hundreds of watermain breaks at the same time. How long to repair that many? While water is down there are livability issues and less ability to deal with fire.
Traffic will be Toronto's demise!
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