This game is nothing new and it's not just a black thing. In Vegas they call something similar "fanny-smacking" where a group of local teens of all ethnicities attack a tourist and kick the living **** outta him. I've been attacked like that (by a bunch of white kids for those that care about that sort of thing) abroad for the same reason - tourist, heavily outnumbered. The cops were even smirking until I pointed out the number involved and the fact that 3 of them ended up on the ground while I was able to walk over and report the crime and then told them to do their ****ing jobs (that was 20 years ago when I was a lot younger and justifiably upset).. To their credit, the local cops actually went out to look for those punks.
In any case I'm not surprised that one of the punks south of the border got shot and I wouldn't cry a river if I saw a few more of them end up like that. Unfortunately, most of those incidents happen in areas where law-abiding citizens are prevented from having sufficient means to defend themselves by stupid laws. Most of those areas are almost as bad as Canada.